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"Do you know where you are?" His voice was deep and full of authority like you would expect of a detective, he was even dressed in a brown over-coat and a top hat, making him look like something directly out of a 1940s mafia drama.

"No," I answered truthfully, the past forty-eight hours had gone by in a blur, I didn't remember any of it, even if I tried.

"Do you know why you're here?"


The detective rubbed his face and made a small grunt of frustration, the only sound in the room was the soft scratch of his beard stubble against his well-worked fingertips.

I looked down at my own hands, bloody, torn, ragged, all around disgusting.

It's not your blood.

I blinked again, clearing my vision, watching as the wounds on my hands began to morph, began to take their actual form. They weren't flesh, no, that was impossible, I was not flesh, I was not human. All of the gashes revealed wires, circuits, electrical cords, everything that was keeping me running.

"Are you aware that you are an android? Model: 018572?" The detective's voice echoed, and I raised my eyes to him.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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