Bruce banner Lemon

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Okay so just a couple of things. The Avengers, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner don't belong to me. The story is original and does belong to me, it was partially commissioned a very long time ago. My Grammar is horrible (had to warn you all) this is a reader insert so (Y/N) = your name, (E/C) = eye colour, (H/L) = hair length, (F/C) = favorite colour and (H/C) = hair colour... so now you know a few things go fourth and enjoy.

You were frantically darting across the lab, scrambling to find every piece of paper to a very important document that Tony had so carelessly strewn around the lab. It had taken you months to convince Fury to allow you access to this top secret document for Tony, and the first thing you saw as you entered the lab this morning were pieces of said document that Fury had entrusted into your care, crumpled, lying on the floor. “Never again Stark” you yelled the blood boiling beneath your skin. “calm down babe” Tony said hands raised in surrender “I'm sure Fury has it backed up onto some hard drive somewhere at shield, probably guarded by flying monkeys” he retorted trying to reassure you. “I would suggest you duck Tony” said Bruce calmly, his concentration never faltering from his work “why would I do tha-” he started as a Erlenmeyer flask narrowly missed his head whizzing past and shattering on the wall behind him. “Whoa, calm” Tony said his voice raised in shock “no I'm not going to fucking calm” you spat “those Documents are from a scrapped experiment from the 50’s, there are no backups you fuck nugget” you shrieked throwing 2 more beakers hearing them shatter as they made contact with a hard surface. Tears of frustration started to swell as Tony stealthily left the room. You screamed in frustration letting the tears spill over, onto your cheeks, quickly wiping them away with your sleeve. How dare he, how freaking dare he, your thoughts were cut short as you felt a hand land delicately on your shoulder. Squeezing softly as you turned to look up into his caring brown eyes, your own still brimming with unshed tears. You had always admired Bruce he was so kind, thoughtful, gentle, funny, intelligent and sexy to boot. “Tony can be such an ungrateful twat” he said smiling down at you running his hand through his peppered grey, coffee coloured locks. “The rest of the papers are sitting at my work station ( y/n ) go sit down and I will make us a tea” he offered as you sat down trying to unwrinkled the papers and place them in an orderly fashion. Bruce handed you your tea, taking it from him and thanking him kindly. Feeling the warmth from the cup seep into your hands, inhaling the sweet aroma before taking a sip.

Bruce watched as you took small sips, your lipstick leaving smudges on the side of the cup. You looked so tranquil, so beautiful he thought to himself studying you, your beautiful ( e/c ) eyes focusing intensely on your tea. How does she do that, how did you go from utterly outraged to completely tranquil in less than 5 minutes he wondered wanting to know your secrets. “So, how's work” you questioned with a smile, snapping him back to reality. “Interesting to say the least” he remarked “ ( y/n ) do you have any idea what this serum was used for?” He questioned “I heard it was used as a torture serum, but was scrapped after each test subject reacted to it differently. Also I'm pretty sure that extended exposure to it could send you crazy, although I don't know why” you shrugged answering his question. “Would you like to?” He asked a cheeky smile plastered to his face. You eyed him curiously, one eyebrow raised, you shook your head yes. “Okay so apparently it's a chemical trigger for intense, sexual desire” “what?” You asked completely shocked. “Not quite exactly sure if it works yet as the batch we made hasn't been tested, but it works by blocking out other receptors in the brain allowing you to only focus on this one desire and heightening all the causes that affect it, such as touch” he smiled. “Why would Stark want such a thing?” You questioned horrified “I think he wants to market it as the next Viagra” he shrugged “half the time I don't know with him, sometimes we're saving the world from life threatening illness and sometimes he has me wasting my time doing this” he said gesturing towards the vial “what?! He has you wasting your genius on this when you could be changing the word for the better? That egotistical, self centered bastard” you growled slamming the document down shaking the desk and sending the vial flying, spilling onto Bruce's hand. You barely had time to react when he dropped like a ton of bricks to the floor.

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