A new bet

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Life and Death always made bets but one day it was different as death stared down at a couple she sighed. 

Life saw this and asked her sarcastically "What is someone mad she can't fall in love?"

She gave him a cold stare "No I could probably find love faster than you"

He straightened his back "is that a bet?"

She straightened her back as well "If the scythe fits"

He stood up looking down on earth "fine but the rules are we can't trick them and we have to stay in our human forms"

She stood up as well offering her hand "ok and both us and the person of our choice has to love each other"

They shook each other's hand.  Death changed into her human form first and went down to earth.  Life went down second after changing into his form.  Death met a man who was kind for she thought they could both love each other.  After a couple months the man she chose told her about his love for her but as she spoke she realized she didn't love him so she declined his offer and moved on to her next choice.  As this happened Life choose a girl who was a nerd for he thought it would be easy to get her to fall in love.  After months worth of dates he told her he loved her but she smacked him and left saying it was too fast.  Death and Life roamed the streets looking for someone when Death saw a man she fell in love with instantly.  Life also found a girl too that he called love at first sight.  Death approached the man and asked for a date which he said yes.  Life got a date with his woman too.  They both went on a date with the one they truly loved.  After a month they confessed their feeling to their loved ones which they both returned the feelings.  After this a few months went on were they couldn't hold their secrets any longer.  Death went to her beloved one as well did Life and shape shifted back to their original form.  When they stopped transforming they were shocked to see each other in front of them. 

Death looked at him in the eyes "So was this all true or just false to make sure I didn't win?"

Life took Death in his arms "As true as I am real"

She hugged him back for Life and Death finally found their true love.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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