The return of the Merc

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Boarder land Gotham, south side, where the nutsos tend to gather. A perfect place to reunite with a certain nutso who forcefully made a permanent home in Alfred Pennyworth's life. After having her mind mashed up about Oswald's unwordly agreement with the mindless mercenary, Deadpool; Alfred couldn't help but toss and turn each night, trying to figure out why on earth would Oswald choose a man from another universe. How did they meet? How did Deadpool win Oswald's approval? Oswald is too much of a high status socialite with a brain so deadly accurate when it came to decision making, that something as improbable as hiring Wade Wilson was too much of a confusion.

Could Deadpool be lying to her? Could he only be announcing such a unlikely proposition so that he could try to conceal the possible fact that all he wants is to mentally abuse her? This very meeting would answer all of her questions. Questions she had been asking herself since the day he came back into her miserable existence.

Alfred sat alone at a bus stop, behind her was the harbor. Ships came in and out throughout the hour she waited, hauling barges filled with storage tanks that she suspected were goods from different countries. She shifted her feet, crossing one leg above the other. The air was unusually warm for mid september, but she was glad that it was so. She wasn't a fan of cold weather anyways.

"Alfred.." a voice spoke from above her.

She lifted her head, and watched as a visibly scarred man walked toward her. He wasn't wearing his bodysuit nor mask, he didn't have his guns or katanas. What he did have though, confused her greatly. A rose..

Alfred gave him a smile, forcing back a confused expression for she thought it was an inappropriate expression for a reunion. She stood up, and respectfully bowed her head, as all butlers do when greeting one in their company. "Sir Wade, it is good to-"

"Please," he interrupted. "Just call me Wade." he finished, nervously wiping his hands on his bluejeans then holding out the rose.

Alfred looked down at it, then lifted her eyes to him. In this moment, she saw a whole new side to Wade. His demeanor was calm, but a bit nervous. She could tell he tried to look his best. Sporting a black t-shirt, bluejeans and boots. So, she made a mental note to compliment him on his appearance, even though some would find it unappealing. She took the rose, then dipped her head to smell it. "Thank you, Wade. And, you look very nice." Bullseye.

He shifted his weight to his right leg before smiling. "You're lying, but thanks anyways." he replied, lifting a hand to her, palm upward as if he was approving of Alfred's look. "You look ravishing.. in your... jogging outfit?"

Alfred looked down at her black shorts and sweatshirt. She sported sneakers, and her hair was in a ponytail. She nodded. "Yes, I jogged here after taking the bus. Thought it would be a nice change."

He nodded, looking uncomfortable, like something was bothering him and needed to be released.

"Why, Wade? Why and how on earth did you start working for Oswald?" Alfred asked, giving him a stern look.

"It started when I first got my teleportation device. Things got a little bit.. rocky at first. One thing led to another and poof, I'm in Gotham. My first encounter with Oswald was when he just left Wayne manor. I had just finished fixing the quirks of my teleporter when he came up to me. We talked for a bit, told him I was a mercenary, couldn't die, etc, etc. He liked that I guess, and he said he had someone he wanted gone. I took the job, hoping he'd pay me a huge amount since he looked rich. Well, things didn't go as planned when Oswald showed up," he shrugged. "he paid me anyways, telling me he wanted to kill the Joker himself. He started ranting about this cookoo juice being pumped into his veins and told me that he'd pay me all he's got if I protected you once he died from whatever ailed him. He made me keep a promise, to never let you get hurt. And because he paid me 1.5 million, I intend on keeping that promise."

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