Chapter 1 - The Meteorite Crash

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Carter sighed. "You want to go outside?" He asked, turning to look at his brother, Sam.
Sam nodded. They stepped outside onto the wet grass. The fresh air breezed by.  Carter let out his breath. A white fog appeared. "Winter's nearing." Sam said. They both saw something in the sky. It was enlarging quickly. They soon realized what it was! Screaming for help, they dashed into the house. The meteor slammed through the roof. A giant explosion burst everywhere. The house had disappeared. It was trashed. Sam slowly opened his eyes. He was covered in major cuts and scratches, but luckily, both of them were still alive somehow. They both looked around to see blue lined across the colossal meteorite. Sam and Carter couldn't move. They both were cover in wood, stone, dirt, leaves, water, and grass. It was too much to even lift their arms. Sam spit out a lump of mud. Then he let his head the ground and he groaned. They both passed out. 

While they were fast asleep, they were changing. The meteorite was changing them into something.. Something... Something...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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