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_ was a mysterious girl within the guild. She was an S rank wizard but no one saw her magic. Natsu did pester _ into fighting him, but she didn't use her magic, just knocked him out with a punch. People were scared of her ever since she came to Fairy Tail because of that, since she was a child. But not Laxus, he knew how to handle her. Want to know how? She was afraid of thunder and lighting. Laxus took the advantage to tease her but not around people, saying "its for my entertainment". _ was furious by this but didn't want to start a fight. Laxus opened the big doors to fairy tail and walked with bisklow, evergreen, and freed. Laxus looks over at _ but she avoided his gaze. _ gets up and walks out, pushing Laxus lightly out of her way. Laxus scowls at her and grabs the collar of _'s shirt. "Where do you think your going _? I won't allow you to just push me and get away with it." He smirk as his arm sparks with electricity. _'s (e\c) widen and shakes a bit. "Laxus!!!" Laxus stops and faces the salmon haired male. "Drop her now!!" Natsu's fist burst into flames as her yelled. Laxus looks at _ and smirks then looks back at Natsu. "She is not needed here. She is tiny and weak at the most natural thing." _ growls, "stop it laxus." She said. _ hears something from far away and begins to shake, but Laxus's big ego was too big to notice. Everyone's expression was confused at Laxus's words, but _ doesn't want everyone to know that she was terrified of thunder and lighting, it made her look weak. "This weakling-" Laxus pulls _ in front of him for them to see and his arm, and sprouts lighting. "- is afraid of thunder and lighting!" _'s hair covered her face as she shook uncontrollably. Everyone was shock that the mighty _ was afraid of thunder and lighting. _ slowly cranks her head to where the corner of her eye she could see laxus. "L-let go, please." _ whispers with tears in her eyes. Laxus's heart panged with sudden guilt and looks at _ from the corner of his eye, watching her tremble and tear up in his grip. Laxus's smirk turned into a frown and drops _. _ landed on her knees, still trembling. Laxus looks over in pity. Everyone reminded silent watch THE Laxus, taking pity over someone. Laxus watches _ in front of him, a bit confused on why she's still trembling. _ slowly gets up and sprints off. "You truly are an idiot, laxus." Ezra says shaking her head as everyone nods. "I agree with Ezra, Fairy Tail is about family, meaning sticking together and standing up for them." Laxus's grandfather glares at laxus. "You are not doing what defines family." He slowly finishes. Laxus narrows his eyes in guilt and looks towards his team. They move out the way and nod. Laxus nods and walks out closing the doors behind him. 'I'm sorry _. I'll make it up to you' His thoughts were disturbed by a familiar clashing sound. Laxus whipped his head up to see the dark clouds. His eyes widen and start to sprint to search for _. An hour past, and Laxus was still looking for _. "_!!!!!" He yells. A crash of thunder hits and Laxus hears a faint yelp. Laxus turns his head towards the sound and runs over to it. It was _, her legs were up to her chest tightly and was covering her ears, trembling badly and soaking wet. Laxus bends down and scopes her up. _ didn't care who it was all She did was cling to Laxus's shirt. Laxus removed his fur coat and wrapped it around _. "Hang in there _. Your safe now." Laxus says softly. _ opens her (e\c) eyes to look at Laxus and nods, snuggling closer into his chest. Laxus carries _ to his house and opens the door. He places her down on his couch and went to get dry clothes and warm blankets for him and her. "Here." Laxus hands _ his old clothes. She whispered her thanks and went to change. She comes out in his baggy clothes and sits next to him. A silence rained over them until Laxus cleared his throat. _ looks over at him at the corner of her eye. "I'm...very sorry for acting like that and made you feel scared. I didn't plan for it to go that far." He whispered just enough for her to hear. _ turned her head towards him having her full attention. "I guess my ego got to me and I lashed out." He turns to looks at her with a depressed look. _ tears up, not because she was scared but was moved by the one she loved. Sure he teased her about her fear but she didn't care. _ stands up and walks in front of Laxus. Laxus thought she was going to hit him but instead a rose of gold appeared in her palm. Laxus's eyes widen and watches _ mess with the golden rose and makes different shapes. "I can create gold from thin air. And make shape with it." She whispers and changes her gold back into a rose then hands it to Laxus. He takes it and asks her why. All she did was shrug and said with a faint smile "you know my biggest fear that I never told anyone before. I just want to show what I am capable of. But the meaning of the rose..... I just really love you Laxus, even if you been teasing I didn't care even then." Laxus stares at her and stands up, hugging her. "I love you too _." He muffles into her hair and slowly lets go. He stares and places the golden flower in _'s hair then kisses her softly. "This will be golden."

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this fanfic of Laxus from Fairy Tail. Let me know what you think of it! If you have request just message me and I'll see what I can do. I hope you guys enjoy and have a happy new year! Don't forget to comment and vote!
~Umbre <(• w •)>

Laxus X Reader One Shot: FearWhere stories live. Discover now