First Impressions Stick

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I know Dom and Ollie weren't at her Med School but oh well this is a story

Zosia's POV

'You will be fine darling,' Mama smiles at me, tucking a piece of my messy hair behind my ear.
I sigh and nod. 'I hope your right Mama.'
'I always am.' She laughs.
I kiss her goodbye and she waves as the taxi rolls away.
I turn around and a large grey building faces me, about 100 meters away. I take a deep breath and walk forwards.
'Here goes nothing.' I sigh.
I am too enamoured by the building to see thati I was a cats whisker away from walking into another student.
'Woah!' They say dodging away.
'Sorry!' I blush, expecting them to shake their head and walk off. Instead, he laughs.
'Hi. I'm Dominic. Or Dom for short.' He beams, stretching out his hand.
I stare at him, taking in what just happened.
He slowly brings his hand back. 'Ok well I guess I will see you later?'
'Sorry-' I say, stopping him going. 'Zosia March, 24, Med Student, of course everyone here is-'
He laughs. 'Calm down Zosh.'
'It's Zosi-' I start.
'Come on, let's go to the meeting hall.
I follow him as if I didn't, I'd have no idea where to go.

Ollie's POV

I enter the jam packed hall and grab my name tag off the sticky sheet. I scan my eyes over the paper and see my room allocations. 'Five to a room,' I mumble, reading the words off the sheet. 'Blah blah blah.. aha! Oliver Valentine with Morvern Shreeve, Arthur Digby, Dominic Copeland and-' I look up to my right.
The name tag gets ripped off the sheet before I can read it.
I rip mine off, trying to get her to realise we are room mates.
I catch her eye and flash a friendly smile.
I turn. 'Oh dear. A taken Ollie sharing a flat with a stunning young doctor. What have I gotten myself into.'
I turn around again to see her giving an unimpressed look.
Did she hear me? Oh no..
'So your not going to introduce yourself then?' A chirpy voice says, placing his name tag on his jumper.
I look at him. 'Um, I'm Ollie. 24.' I look at the brunette, 'taken.'
She snorts. 'As if.'
I feel myself going red.
'Dom.' He smiles, extending his hand. I shake it gratefully. 'And this is Zosia.'
'I am capable of introducing myself you know.' She glares at Dom. 'Zosia.' She smiles.
I raise my eyebrows and shake her hand.
Suddenly I'm pushed past by a small nerdy boy. 'Oh, sorry.' He frowns, looking intimidated. He rips his name off the sheet.
'Ollie.' I smile.
'Zosia.' She says.
'Dom.' He beams.
He shakes our hands. 'I'm Arthur Digby.'
I smile. Only one room mate left to meet. Morvern.
She runs past me as I think and places her name tag on.
I see her scan around our chest area to spot our names.
'You could just ask.' Zosia laughs. 'Zosia.' She smiles.
'Polish?' Morvern questions.
'Yes actually.'
'I'm Arthur.' Arthur glows.
'Dominic.' Dom says.
She looks at me. 'And you?'
'Oliver Valentine.'

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