Chuggaaconroy One-Shot

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*Alex's POV*

Today is the day, THE NEW OKAMI IS OUT!!!! I head out to Gamestop to go buy the new game. I park my car in the Gamestop parking-lot , As i walk in i see a bunch of people in line. "I hope not everyone here is in line to buy Okami" I think to my self as i get in line behind a young man. The guy I'm in front of looks really familiar but i can't figure out who he is. Anyway, as the line moves up and the guy in front of me steps in front of the counter and asks the buy the new Okami game. The man pays for the game and then steps back from the line to put his change back in his wallet. "Okay, everyone listen up! The new Okami game is now sold out!" The cashier yells out to everyone in line. "No..........Seriously?" I question. I glare at the guy in front of me and start to leave.

As i unlock my car door, I hear a voice come from behind me. "Excuse me, Miss." The man says. I turn around to see the guy that bought the last Okami game. Then it hit me, Okami, familiar face, high pitched voice. I'm pretty sure this is my favorite youtuber Chuggaaconroy! "Umm, maybe I'm wrong, but are you Emile." I ask shyly. "Yes, Yes I am. Are you a fan? Emile asks. I nod my head in amazement. "Well I just wanted to say I'm sorry that you couldn't buy your game so, here." Emile says handing the game to me. "Oh no, i could never accept that, it's your game" I say nicely. "No, please, i have another copy at home, i was just getting an extra copy. I like to have extra copies of games like Zenoblade and Pikmin." Emile say continuing to hold the game out in his hand. I smile and take the game, my hand brushed his hand as i was grabbing the game. I saw his starting to blush so I did the same. "Thank you very much Emile that was so kind" I say still blushing. "No problem........I'm sorry i don't think I got your name?" Emile asks shyly. I brush the hair out of my face and smile, "Oh I'm Alex" I say. "Well Alex you seem like a nice girl, i would love to see you again sometime" Emile grinning. "Well since you gave me your game, the least I could do is give you my number" I say as I write down my number in a small piece of paper and hand it to him and  "It was lovely meeting you, hopefully I'll see you soon" "Definitely, have fun with the game" Emile says smiling at me as I get in my car and drive home.

*Emile's POV*

As this beautiful fan drives off in her car and head to mine and start driving home where Tim and Jon are staying for the week. As I race home excited to brag to Jon that I have a really cute fan's number, I run up the steps to my apartment and walk into the door almost out of breath from running. "Hey Dude, what's wrong" Jon asks as he sits on my couch playing video games."I......HA..VE........HER........NUM..BER." I say panting heavily. Jon looks at me strangely. "What the hell are you talking about" Jon asks. I try to catch my breath before i speak. "Her name is Alex, she's even a fan, and she is really cute!" I say to Jon as Tim come out from the bathroom. "What's going on here" Tim asks. "Chuggaa got a cute fan's phone number" Jon says looking annoyed. "Congratulations buddy!" Tim says giving me a high five. "When are you gonna call her" Jon asks. "Probably like.........the day after tomorrow?" Emile says. "Yeah, that should be good' Tim adds. "I have to think of something we can do!" I say nervously. "Don't worry bud, we'll help you" Jon says smiling at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2014 ⏰

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