In The Dark

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'Ringgg ringggg!!' The phone screamed. "Ugh, shut up!" Sherlock yelled from the couch. He was was in the middle of his daily session of organizing his mind palace. Sherlock rarely got up for anything that interrupted him during this time, even John. "Are you going to get that?" John called from the kitchen. There was no answer. John strode over to the phone and answered in an annoyed tone. "Hello?" He said. "Umm yeah sure. Ok, I'll tell him. Yeah, ok bye. Sherlock that was Lestrade, he wants you to go to the morgue and take a look at a body." Sherlock came back to reality and jumped off the couch. "Ooh! Yes! Finally, something to do!" He exclaimed. He grabbed his coat and ran out the door.

When he stepped out onto the sidewalk he was hit with a gust of cold wind. He then remembered that it was winter and this kind of weather was to be expected during this time. "Sherlock!" Said a small voice. He turned around to see Molly Hooper rushing to catch up with him. "Molly." He said blankly. "You heading to the morgue?" She asked, knowing he wouldn't leave his flat for anything else. "Yes. You?" Sherlock replied. "Yeah, my shift starts at five." Then he noticed that Molly was shivering like a scared puppy. Sherlock quickly put his arm around her waist, deciding that this was the best thing to do to increase her body temperature. To his surprise he received a jolt of electricity as he came in contact with her fragile form. He liked having his pathologist so close to him. Sherlock didn't understand this feeling in the slightest, so he just ignored it and continued on his way to St. Bart's.

Soon enough they were standing in the lab testing a chemical that was found on the body. "So what was that about?" Molly asked. "What?" Sherlock replied obviously confused. "Walking with me on the way here you put your arm around me. What for?" "Well I saw that you were cold and thought that that was the best way to increase your body temperature." "Yeah sure. Ok." Molly replied. By now, a brutal storm had begun outside and rain was pounding on the windows. Just then the lights blinked and went out. Out of instinct, Sherlock glanced Molly's way to make sure she was alright. Then an idea popped into his head. He really enjoyed having his arm around Molly, with her small form nestled in his coat. He wanted to try something else. Sherlock blindly strode over to where Molly stood and quickly captured her lips with his. She would never have predicted that he would do something like that, all she knew was that Sherlock Holmes was kissing her. The lights flickered back on and Sherlock pulled away. He sauntered back to his chair and stared into his microscope once again. "Umm..." She said. "I'm sorry... I, uh, I just wanted to try something." Sherlock explained. "Did you get any data?" Molly asked playfully. "Some." He said, with a faint smile. "What did you find?" Molly said, biting her bottom lip. "That I would really like to try that again!" Sherlock said. Molly pranced over to him, greeted by his pale, bony fingers cupping her face and his lips dancing on hers. Now Sherlock had decided that he was hopelessly infatuated with his pathologist and never wanted to leave her side.

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