Chapter 1

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A series of short vignettes inspired by the reddit fanfic December prompts. Pure humor and fluff as my holiday gift to you. Many thanks to red-velvet-panda (on tumblr) for letting me use the image she drew as cover art. Check out her page for a whole bunch of awesome Zootopia artwork!


Judy said, "Oh look, my Aunt Gerty knitted all of us matching sweaters."

Nick scowled. "I'm not wearing that outside."

"Why not? Aww come on. Just imagine how cute we'll look wearing these."

"Fluff,you and Little Carrots can wear yours, but foxes don't wear sweaters with carrots on them. Plus I'm pretty sure it's against the law for a predator to wear wool."

Judy rolled her eyes. "As long as it isn't still attached to any other part of the sheep it's fine."

"I have sensitive skin, and I feel like I'm breaking out in hives just looking at it." Nick held up the sweater. "How big does your Aunt Gerty think I am, anyway? This would fit Rita."

"Speaking of Rita, I think this trunk warmer must be for her."

Nick laughed. "If she doesn't want it, we could use another sleeping bag. And I decided I'll wear the sweater, if you wear the one I got you."

Judy looked at him incredulously. "You have got to be kidding me."

"What?Do you know how long it took me to find a tasteful sweater in your size?"

"Nothing that says, 'I'm with foxy' can ever be considered tasteful."


Bonnie set the tray of cookies on the table to cool. She looked at the clock. Just enough time to make a quick trip to the bathroom and get back to wrap them up for Gideon before he got there.

Seconds after she left, Nick arrived and glanced around the kitchen before he grabbed two cookies. He subtly rearranged the other cookies around the large gingerbunny to fill in the gaps on the tray and stuffed the two in his mouth as he left the room.

Judy could swear she'd seen Nick go into the kitchen. She started to walk back out into the living room when she spied the tray of cookies. Certainly no one would miss the one little star cookie in the corner? Judy heard someone coming, so she grabbed the cookie and ran out the back door.

Nick peeked around the corner and sniffed the air. Relieved that the room was empty, he walked over to eye the gingerbread bunny. He noticed someone had already taken the star that was in the corner, so he grabbed two more cookies. The tray was looking pretty sparse now, but again subtly rearranging the remaining five cookies made the crime a bit less obvious. He gobbled down the cookies before he followedJudy's scent out the back door.

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