2014k starts off.. HOOD

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Dear diary , 1-10-14

My Name is , Aaliyah Simone Harris & I live in Bronx newyork with my mother . Now that I'm 16 years old I understand why my father left my mom . He ain't really shit I mean , all he did was plant in my mom garden other than that he's nothing . he did treat me , my mom & my 12 year old little brother like royalty at one point but after a while he grew tired of being a one women man so when he did my mom wrong he did us all wrong . he started coming home late , other bitches calling him all hours of the night I would know to cause you'd here my mom and him arguing in the middle of the night . waking up my little brother & I so he'd run into my room asking me questions because he got scared of the loud back and fourth screams . So I'd tell him its gonna be okay , & I'd talk to him till he fell asleep then I'd carry him to his room and lay him down . But my father got worse also him being one of the biggest drug lords in the Bronx , he was always messing with these thots and ended up with three more baby moms . my mom was his main women and all but she should of been his only ! but with him it wasn't like that . me & my brother stayed fly , had the best and newest shit and had a dope ass cri but I'd trade all of it in because pricey things can't buy love Me & my dad never really had a real father daughter relationship never had that close bond so when he got caught up and put away it wasn't nothing it didn't affect me . he had enough money saved up so my mom was able to live off it . But she's doing good for herself since my dad been gone she got herself a job as a manager in Macys at the mall so you know my mom makes sure we stay fresh head to toe we don't really needa any extra money cause my dad left a fortune before he went to jail but my mom found something she loved & takes her mind off my dad so she worked . when my dad was out he didn't want my mom working he told her to sit still and be pretty that's all you gotta do in life . but my mom was a independent women she had working in her blood she gets it from my grandma she doesn't feel right if she's not doing anything with her time . so , her finding a job after my dad got booked didn't surprise me , she had no one to stop her . My little brother Ashanti Joseph H. But AJ for short he took my dad going to jail pretty hard . my dad spent a lot of time with AJ being his only son . my dad was very accomplished lol he felt like a king when that boy was born an air to his throne . my little brother is the younger version of my dad he's practically his copy . he took a lot of pride in him sometimes if get jealous but my mom always told me he loved me the same . AJ and my mom writes him but I haven't yet ... my brother and mom have visited him multiple times but I haven't gone yet .. He's been in jail for a year now 26 more years to go smh but , I'm not ready to forgive him he ask about me my mom says and he writes me to the letters are like weeks old sitting on my desk in my room but I'm not ready to read them . Till another time ya girl liyah .

Mom :

AALIYAH !!! You've been in that room all morning it's about to be 12pm doing absolutely nothing , come Down here and eat breakfast . I know your hungry and get your brother up all he does is sleep makes no damn sense he don't work , why he gotta be tired lol I swear he kills me reminds me of his dad , damn I miss him

Aaliyah :

Yes , mommmmy I'm coming down with out a doubt and the food smells great so you know I'm bout to murder that food !!! Lol & AJ get up , all you do is sleep lazy ass wash ya face and brush your teeth and come down stairs mom made breakfast .

AJ : okay okay I'm coming down and I can be lazy your ugly , I can't stop being lazy any day but ugly don't go away .

Aaliyah : whatever slug , with your bull frog face with that strong ass neck looking like a pit bull .

AJ : look who's talking miss piggy you loose titty , no neck you look like precious ankles and smell like earring backs

Mom : enough you 2 ! You both ugly and look like rick Ross left titty and smell like bum panties and wet hot dog armpits ! Lmao but come down here

* Aaliyah goes down stairs still laughing from moms come back

Aaliyah : lol mom your a trip Hun but omg scrambled eggs , bacon , scrapple , bagel , pancakes , muffins and orange juice you out done yourself . Damn damn this look so good got a nigga sweating and drilling at the same damn time

Mom : you need help your a whole walnut but don't eat yet wait for your brother to come down so we can eat like a family

*aj stumbles in

AJ : what family dad ain't here ,

Mom : you 2 are my family

AJ : so were just gonna act like dad don't exist right ?

Aaliyah : shut up dickhead ! just eat the food , be thankful we still got mom unlike your so called super hero dad ! realize he's gone and ain't here so all we got is eachother

Mom : stop you to ! let it go and just eat

AJ : why don't you ever talk about dad ? I'll let it go if you talk about dad because he still exist he may be away but he still my dad .

Aaliyah : she don't go to idiot .

Mom : stop liyah , Look AJ me & your dad meant when I was 17 and he already graduated he was a drug dealer is you know grandma wouldn't approve of him , but she found out any way he was known and well respected by many . everyone knew me & him were together so nobody messed with me because they know Anthony would pop a cap in they asses in a heart beat . well after my mom found out I was with him she told me to leave & she knew I wouldn't of course she was devastated after all she done for me and sacrificed she felt hurt and betrayed by my decision so she kicked me out . your dad took me in and took very good care of me a year after graduation we moved out our apartment and moved Into a house out Brooklyn it wasn't all that but I could finally start a family with the man I love . 2 years later I was now 21 and pregnant with Aaliyah we were both so excited he calmed down a bit with a the drug dealing because he didn't want me it Aaliyah to get hurt time to time if sell a little here and there because he was my man and when a job had to be done I was willing . After I had Aaliyah me & my mom relationship surprisingly got back on track she wanted to be in her grandchild's life she dealt with your dad Anthony for the sake of the baby in truths Aaliyah saved me & my mothers relationship he got fences installed around our house , bullet proof glass and 3 guard dogs he didn't want anything happening to the most precious things to him . I loved that man with everything I gave him his first child , he promised to marry me after he quit the game and I did believe him , he gave Aaliyah & me the world . he took us out on dates , vacation to Paris , Italy and shopping . we were living the life . 4 years later there came the most handsome young thing in the world Ashanti . Aaliyah and your dad instantly fell in love you with you . he kissed me for hours that day thanking me for giving him a son . I'd do anything for him , like the time I got shot in the leg for him long story ... but over the years the love just wasn't there anymore he started acting different and we weren't close any more . we barely spoke on the daily basis . we fell off that wagon hard I wasn't amusing to him anymore , he still loved me but he wanted to explore he has 5 kids total that says it all you 2 and your 3 other siblings idk them but he's told me 2 girls & a boy but he isn't the boy is his ... That says it all but I still love him even threw his wrong he's still mine . Now don't ask me about him anymore . EAT !

Aaliyah : is this true ? I've been meaning to read his letter I just might , but what time you going to work ?

Mom : yes all very true and much more to tell but we can leave it at that . and 5 why ?

Aaliyah : well not getting my drivers license till June so lemme catch a ride with you to the mall

Mom : ard & I'll get you car cause ik not your taxi driver liyah know that momma be to cute to be driving around a monkey in her car . But where your neither gonna go ,

Aaliyah : yeah whatever , lol idek ask him he's been so quiet after your story

Mom : where you going ? Are you good baby ?

AJ : I'll walk to Josh's house and I'm okay it just hurt listening about him without him .

Mom : you'll be alright *kisses his head* alright guys it's 1:30 please go get ready I'm leaving at 4 and I wanna see AJ get there safely so go get ready after you Clean the dishes you both I'm gonna try and catch some zzzz's okay ?

AJ & Aaliyah : yeah yeah lol

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