A Sweet Little Twist

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            The White Fang is a name known all over Remnant, to some it is the name of a group fighting for the rights of Faunus, and to most it is the name of a radical terrorist organization. To you, however, it was the name of the closest thing to a family you had. You'd been living in Vale all your life with your parents and you had what could be described as a normal life, until your mother died when you were 13 years old. You and your dad kind of shut down when she passed away and your eyes were finally open to just how cruelly some people treated Faunus like you and your mother. Not too long afterwards, you were approached by an envoy of the White Fang and you and your father joined their ranks. That was four years ago and as you ran through the silent streets of Vale, the dead of night being interrupted by the sounds of gun fire coming from the alley behind you, you were certain that your father was finally reunited with your mother as you were left to face the cold world on your own.

"Stop, you criminal!" You heard behind you as you caught a glance of the officers chasing you

Turning a sharp corner, your arms pumping as you ran but you kept your clenched fist holding your objective as you shoved it into your pocket and led the cops through the commercial district of Vale. Gunshots trailed behind you, but you kept a good distance away from them so they never got a clear shot. You knew the streets of Vale like the back of your hand since Adam Taurus had assigned you to stay in the city for recruiting purposes. Despite your Faunus lineage, you learned to hide your animal qualities and your ambiguity lent itself to aid you as an undercover agent. Reaching a cliff overlooking the forests surrounding Vale, your boots and gloves started glowing purple. You kicked off of the concrete just in time for the officers to see you fly away and head out for your rendezvous with Taurus and some "new acquaintances" as he called them. They tried to get a few shots off as you got away from them and just when you thought you were in the clear one final shot caught your left boot, shorting out the Dust Infusion System and sent you tumbling through the trees before crashing to the ground and blacking out.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) can you hear me?" A voice said as your blurry vision slowly cleared up to see a white and red mask

When you could finally see again, you found yourself lying on a cot in a tent with your White Fang officer standing over you.

"Lieutenant Banesaw, sir." You grunted as you tried sitting up, only to be brought back down by the pain

"Easy there soldier, pain meds should be kicking in any second now. Where's your father?" He asked

It hurt to move your arm in certain ways, but you were able to dig back into your pocket and pull out a necklace with a white eagle medallion, slightly covered in blood.

"Damn, he was a good man. Taurus'll be here in a few days with our new partners, we can relay the results of your mission then so rest up. We may need you to be ready for action." He said as he left the tent and you finally gave in to sleep.

A couple of days later, you had recovered to where you could move and fight normally, but the damage to your Infusion System was more extensive because of your "landing". Out in the center of the campgrounds, you could usually be found in the small training arena dueling with other members. Around sunset one day, you were finishing another duel when out of the corner of your eye you spotted Adam and Banesaw heading into camp with a group of humans. You wanted to get a little more practice in, so you went through your standard sword motions when you put a little too much force into a slash. The sound of ripping fabric was very clear and an extremely sharp jolt of pain ran up your spine.

"DAMMIT!" You yelled in pain as you fell to one knee, causing Banesaw to run up to you

"Everything alright (y/n)?" He said as you got up

A Sweet Little Twist (Neopolitan x Faunus!MaleReader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें