Master Meets Servant

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The dark hair girl sighed as she looked down at the mark on her hand it looked like a bird driving down and bending its wings she covered it with her other hand she knew what the mark meant but she was hoping she would not be in this war but the next when she had more chances at winning and her uncle wouldn't be in it or her best friends aunt soon to be husband who happened to be one of her teachers for magic she let out on finally sigh before she got her bag she had packed and went out the door and made her way to outside of the building. she was going to miss Ireland she loved it here with all her studies on the country she was working on Celtic Irish history at the moment and she really wanted to learn more but with this war she had to go to Japan to fight to live or to die when she got to her bike she put her backpack on her back she never had much not since her mother died and her father wanted nothing to do with her. but her aunt and uncle where always there for her even if it was her uncle teaching her how to shoot guns and to protect herself she knew it was his way of showing that he cared for her being his sister was her mom and her aunt just liked having another girl around to talk to from time to time. The girl looked to the pistol that was hooked up around her leg and sighed before whispering a couple words and it disappeared she liked magic much better than guns or any weapons it how she like to fight other magi. when she got to the airport she went in and showed them her passport which said her real name much to her uncle displeasure but she thought that if she was going to say a name it was going o be her own and she was going to be herself while at school here it was her get away from the magic world for the time being and helping her uncle from time to time.

"We hope you enjoy your flight Miss Emiya."

"I'm sure I will."

the young adult walked away from the checking and went to wait for her flight she let out a sigh as she ran her hand though her dark raven hair she stuck up like a red rose in a field of white ones with her hair colour most of her friends and people she went to school with had either blonde ginger or brown hair but her it seemed like she was the only ravenette to be seen in this country.

"Hey you."


the young adult looked up to see one of her long time best friends who uncle was in the war as well her name was Andrea but everyone called her Andy her blonde hair fell around her face perfectly her eyes glowed with brightness and happiness not a flaw to be seen on the girl but behind that bright smile and cherry personality was a broken girl with a dead older brother a mother who didn't want her and a father who went missing leaving her with an uncle who shown no care in he world for the girl.

'Andy what are you doing here?"

"Do you really think I was going to let you compete in this war without help?"

"But how I didn't even tell you and I kept my mark hidden under a charm spell." the ravenette whispered

" you always sucked at charm spells and plus I know you would never give up learning about Celtic Irish history you been dyeing to  for the last two years and last semester and we got to it and you leave and drop out also I want to help you and since my uncle in it and I know yours is as well ... and I don't want to lose you your my best friend."

the ravenette sighed at the blonde that now sat beside her the blonde was her only friend and she didn't want to lose the blonde in the crossfire but she knew as much as her uncle shows no care no harm would come of her and if her uncle found out she was a master he would take his niece and ship her to god only knows where

"Fine but if I tell you to leave you go to your uncle and you don't look back understand and you stay with your uncle no staying with me for as long as he knows I'm got a different project than you do ."

the blonde nodded to her friend and they both waited for their flight to be called and when it finally did they boarded and the ravenette got the window seat as she looked out the window her heart ache for not wanting to leave the beautiful country she had been living in for two and a half years now she let out a sigh as she watched as the land scape disappeared from sight.

when the two got to japan Andy went to where her uncle was staying now the ravenette needed to call upon her servant first she sighed as she left the airport and took a cab to her old house that she still owned because of her aunt family keep it in the family as soon as she got there she felt cold but she still got out of the cab and paid the driver

she would be taking cabs in till her bike arrived here she heastied before unlocking the front door and walked in she sighed as she put her bag down

"Mom I'm home." she said in sad tone but still hopping that she would hear her mother gasp and run to the door way and give her a hug but she got none of that being her mother had and stilled was dead. She turned some lights on it was all still the same couch same kitchen same rooms same beds same dressers same everything she sighed before walking past the dojo to where her mother used to teacher her magic

When she got there she opened the door and saw boxes she sighed as she moved them out of the way to reveal a magic circle 

When she got there she opened the door and saw boxes she sighed as she moved them out of the way to reveal a magic circle 

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She sighed as she stood on the circle and started to summon her servant

"Fill fill fill fill fill Set heed my words my will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny if you heed me the grail's calls and obey my will and reason, then answer me I hereby Swear that I shall be all good in the world that I shall defeat all evil in the world you seven heavens, clad in the three great words or power, come forth from the circle binding Guardian of the scales!"
the circle glowed a dark purple than it changed to an orange than a giant shock of blue lighting came from it making the girl jump to douch it she didn't know if it would work due to her not having an thing that comes from a hero of the past life but when she looked up to see a girl around her age with long ginger hair in a high ponytail in a purple outfit with orange along it she knew it worked when the servant eyes opened it revealed her to have one pale green and one bright green with a hint of blue. She had to lancer at both her sides than she spoke

"I ask you are you my master?'


Word count: 1410

Day published: 26/12/2016


Ps: this is not an Character x a OC this is the back story for my one character that I am writing a story for fate stay night it is not published yet I will put it out after I am done writing this one and that will be a Lancer ( FROM FATE STAY NIGHT) X OC

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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