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I sat on the edge of my bed looking out the window. It was pouring. Still.
I sighed softly and flopped back on my bed.
Me and Sophie were supposed to out to the shops. But it was raining.
I rolled myself in my blankets. I buried my head in my pillow. Screaming into to drown out the sound of the rain tapping on the window.
Was all I heard. It was mocking me.
Katie wanted to play today, but the rain came down to play, now she's locked up her today with nothing to play.
I buried my head deeper and deeper into my pillow. I started to sing.
Rain, rain, go away. Come back another day.
I stopped and laughed. I had forgotten the rest of the lyrics. My door opened.
Ma was there. What's so funny she asked, I told her, and we started to laugh.
She told me to come with her. I rolled out of my blankets and followed.
The smell of coffee and oatmeal cookies was in the air. We sat down and went to town. Giggles and smiles. Laughter and chatter. As the rain on the window went patter, pat.

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