» rules

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» one

Roleplay in third person.

» two

Only control your characters and not mine. Their mine for a reason.

» three

Even if English isn't your native language, please try and have good grammar. No text talk is allowed and when you type someone's name, try making the first letter capital. I'm sorry but bad grammar and typing makes me cringe.

» four

This is a girlxgirl roleplay book so all the characters will be gay. No males allowed unless it's a side character.

» five

The first password is your favorite band/singer.

» six

Try replying within a week or else I'll give the character to someone else. I'll tag you once before the week is up and if you don't reply then that's on you. The only exception to this is if you tell me beforehand that you won't be able to reply.

» seven

I tend to get really busy with school and stuff so I won't be able to reply every single day. If I'm not on and don't reply for two days, then you can tag me once but apart from that, don't tag me. I don't like spam. Also if I'm on and haven't replied to you, you can tag me once but no more that day.

» eight

Don't try to steal any of my characters or ideas because I work really hard on them and it wouldn't be fair if you stole them and changed their names or whatever.

» nine

The second password is your favorite quote.

» ten

Drama is always good and fun but don't have it always revolving around your characters. Don't have them getting raped or kidnapped every damn second. It's not fair if you're the one always in the spotlight. Give my characters a chance too.

» eleven

I'm sorry to say this but smut won't be allowed. I know it's always nice when two girls fuck but it's against Wattpad's rules. Therefore there will be no sexual content. Kissing and making out are allowed though and if it gets to a point in the roleplay where the characters should have sex, we can just time skip over it. Having said this, women can't make other women pregnant. I'm sorry. Besides, adoption is always a good thing.

» twelve

Only one person per character. And only three characters per person.

» thirteen

The third password is your favorite anime/manga.

» fourteen

This is the most important rule. That's why I saved it for last. This is a descriptive roleplay book meaning that you must be descriptive in everything you do whether it be replying or making a character. Description is key here. I want replies that are at least five sentences long. I don't want anything less. If you give me a reply that's too small and lacks description, I will not reply until you delete it and try again. I won't warn you or remind you either. I'll wait for you to figure it out yourself.

» fifteen

And finally, have fun!

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