Love in the City - Eli and Clare

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Chapter One


"A large London Fog, please."

I smiled at the barista after placing my order and turned away from the counter, searching for the perfect table. The coffee shop was pretty empty so my usual table was open. I walked over and put my oversized purse on it, then sat down. It was the perfect table because it was in the corner, slightly away from everyone on the coffee shop's busier days, and it was right by the window that overlooked the fast-paced city streets. I pulled my laptop and my tattered copy of Wuthering Heights out of my bag. I've been working on an article for the Columbia Daily Spectator, but since it isn't due until two weeks from now I brought my book too in case I decided to read instead.

Even though I've read Wuthering Heights at least a dozen times it never bores me. It's filled with dark themes, tumultuous relationships, and a brooding, emotionally unstable protagonist, and it's always been my favorite. I smile slightly at the thought because even though passionate, explosive, tumultuous relationships make intriguing novels, I've never wanted that in my own relationships. Yet Eli and I...well, we've been through some intense times during our relationship to say the least.

A few months after we started dating I felt like my only option was to end things for a while and Eli didn't take it so well...he ended up crashing his beloved car, Morty, just to try and win me back. It didn't work at the time because I was (understandably) just a little bit freaked out. Add that to the long list of drama that includes him writing a play loosely based on our love story and having a meltdown while performing onstage, him being diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, me getting cancer, being sexually harassed by my mentor, Eli finding a classmate after he committed suicide, doing long-distance for almost a year, etc. and most people would be completely shocked to know that we're still together. But we are and I know it sounds completely cheesy to say but we're happier than ever.

All the tough times that we went through only made us that much stronger. And those tough times are nothing compared to the happy times that we've had together. From the moment Eli told me, "You have pretty eyes," I knew I was a goner. Those four words and his light emerald eyes instantly made me swoon. And I, Clare Edwards, am not one to swoon easily. Sure, I'd had crushes before but this was different. Since that first moment we've had so many amazing times together. Our first kiss while working on Romeo and Juliet for class, going to prom together two years in a row (and having the most romantic night), to being voted Prom King and Queen (even though Eli did just so happen to rig it), to Eli writing an article I desperately needed an author for so that I could publish my first newspaper as editor, to us reuniting at the Frostival and everything in between.

I smile as I think of how far we've come over the years. It hasn't always been easy but it's definitely always been worth it. Now we're living in New York together, Eli's studying film at NYU, I'm studying journalism at Columbia University, and we were able to find a decently priced apartment...well, as decently priced as you can get in New York. It's still comparatively the size of a shoebox, but we can afford the rent and it's actually in a pretty good location. So we signed the lease, packed our things, and moved in all within three days. We've been there for a few months now and it's coming together nicely. It's amazing what some fresh paint and some key art pieces can do for a place.

"Order number 23?" The barista called out, holding a beautiful white teacup with pink roses on it in his hand.

The barista's voice snapped me out of my daydream and I smiled as I slightly raised my hand.

"Enjoy!" The barista said as he gingerly placed the London Fog down in front of me.


As I carefully sipped the steaming beverage I turned to look out the window at the bundled up people hurrying by on the snowy city street. I faintly smiled as I sat my teacup down and savored exactly how content I felt in this moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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