All Shall Fall

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Love, love, love.  All the wretched can't of it, all the masking egotism, all fantasy under a mythology of sentimental postures.  All of this proves that love has features which pierce all hearts, she wears a bandage that conceals the fault of all those beloved.  All because she opened her heart, and let herself be healed.  She let him heal her only to break her into a million more pieces than she was before.

All shall fall.

All shall fall in the loneliest moment, when she is watching her whole world fall apart and all she can do is look at it, paralyzed.

All shall fall.

Falling for him, she knew, wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and knowing she's home.   Until he said goodbye.  Goodbye was not the hardest part of losing him.  The hardest part was becoming homeless.  Having to live without him.  She was broken, and homeless.

All shall fall.

She wants to wake up at two in the morning, roll over, and look at him and know that she is where she was meant to be.. But she can't.  Because she wasn't good enough.  She gave him so many reasons to stay and he chose to give up.

All shall fall.

All falls when a lie becomes a truth, and you both become broken.  All falls when you fall to your knees, broken and hurting.  When you couldn't do it anymore and told the truth, when he said goodbye and all you could do was watch.

All shall fall.

I fell in love with him.  I fell in love, and he moved away.  I held on so tight; I never wanted to let go..  I gave him so many reasons to hold on and it turned out to be me who couldn't.

All shall fall.

When her lips start to shake, tears build up quickly and fall fast. She's bent over, crouched trying to suck it in and not make any noise but it hurts too much to keep it in so she lets out a yelp and starts to cry.  When she feels the loss of breath and then feels daft for not breathing, it all becomes a bigger mess, and all falls...

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