Supernatural Love (Oka Ruto)

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oday was my first day in Akademi High, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous at all. New people, New teachers. I don't know if they'll like me..

Pushing back all my fears I make my way to the tall white school building, As I look around at all the others students one in particular caught my eye.

The female student had messy purplish blue hair, Her eyes are purple which doesn't seem to be unusual in this school. Last of all she wore a black choker and a red armband.

Undeniably she was quite cute. I eventually turned my attention back to what was in front of me, The lockers. I had been given a locker by the school, I realized once I reached my locker, That the cute girl I had saw earlier..Her locker was right next to mine.

The girl glanced over at me saying a quiet Hello, She put her outdoor shoes into the locker then walked off. I quickly changed into my indoor shoes and shoved my outdoor shoes into the locker.

I got up and began exploring the massive school building. I was thinking about joining a club, However none of the club's I'd passed seemed interesting. Until I can across the occult club.

It gave off an eerie atmosphere one I couldn't just bypass. Peeking into the club I saw almost all the members sitting in chairs reading.

One of the male students stood in the middle of the pentagram, He had short messy purplish blue hair. I made my way over to him. "Hello" I greeted him. He didn't really seem that interested in talking to me.

"Hello, Would you like to join?" He asked, I thought for a minute. Do I really want to join this club?..Hm..Yes, Yes I do. "Yes" I answered back.

He seemed surprised by my answer, He pulled out a velvet black choker similar to the one he was wearing. I took it and put it on, He went on to tell me about the activities they do and eventually he told me his name, Shin.

My (C/L) (Colour of lips) lips curved up into a smile. I waved bye to shin as the bell went. I made my way to class, Once I reached the door I bumped into a familiar face.

It was the girl I had seen earlier. "S-Sorry" She stuttered looking down at the ground. I felt my heart racing..I knew she was cute but I didn't realise she was THIS cute.

She looked up at me after a while of silence, Her dark purple eyes locked onto the choker I had on. "Y-You joined.." She whispered sounding quite happy.

"I-I'm Oka..T-The leader of the o-occult club" Oka spoke up, Her voice becoming a bit louder. "Nice to meet you, Oka..I'm (Y/N)" I smiled brightly at her.


I walked out of class with Oka, I had sat next to her in class and we had talked a bit about out lives. The two of you walked down the hallway.

Not really paying attention you both bashed into two people. We both apologized to the two, One of them was a male with black hair the other was a female with her Orange hair in pigtails.

The Orange haired female was not having any of it, She went on and on about how we should have been paying attention. I zoned out halfway through.

She then mention something about us being freaks...Oh Hell no. I grabbed one of her pigtails and yank it down causing her to yelp. "Don't EVER call us freaks" I let her go.

I grab Oka's hand and pull her away from them. I looked back at Oka who was blushing, I didn't let go of her hand till we entered the occult club.

The rest of the day we hung out even after school, We went back to my house to talk about theories we had. We both sat on my small couch.

After a few minutes of going on and on about lizard people, Oka moved closer to me. I felt my face heat up as she moved her hand onto mine.

I leaned towards her pressing my lips up against hers, Her eyes widened but she did kiss back after a while. I moved back smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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