someone help me please

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Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim

In the name of Allah (God) the beneficient the most merciful

Asslamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you

I am writing this letter so maybe, I can find the answers for these questions in my head.

First, let me tell you about me. I am a convert to Islam. I was not brainwashed, I was not kidnapped and made to convert or dating a muslim man and made to convert, I was Christian and I found Islam on my own and converted on my own. I converted when I was 19, I married my husband who I chose a year after that, and I told him that I would wear niqab, he does not force me to, niether does any other man.

In Islam arranged marriages are haraam- not forbidden, although unfortunately they do happen, it is culture and not religion, as im sure there are the same problems with other religions aswell. How many christians mix culture with religion or claim to follow their religion yet go to nightclubs and get drunk or sleep around or have children out of marriage?

When a non-muslim man abuses his wife he is frowned upon, HE not the whole entire religion or gender! How is it fair then that when a muslim man or a man who identifies with Islam commits the same crime that the whole religion is blamed? When a father meets a man who he thinks would be a great husband for his daughter who will care for her and respect her, introduces them for marriage it is romantic, but when a muslim father does the same thing for his daughter it is backwards and the girl is sold of?

When a Christian or Jewish woman covers her and dresses modestly and follows her religion she is respected, but when a Muslim woman covers her hair or her face and studies Islam she is oppressed and needs rescuing! What about the nuns who cover their hair and dont marry! Why are people not rescuing them?

Or the mothers who stay home to teach their children and maintain their homes? They are upright women of society and people will trip over themselves running to congratulate her, where are the flowers and applause for the muslim mother who stays at home with her family, prepares the meals for her husband and children, teaches them Quran and at the same time the language of their country?

I could go on but honestly there are far too many double standards, why does Islam always have to get the blame for a select few peoples mistakes? Why are women always victims? Please, the next time you want to attack a religion for someones mistakes, remember that you are an individual and responsible for your own actions. If one of your family members made a mistake would you like to be blamed for it? Of course no!

So please, stop being ignorant because it really is not bliss and learn the facts before you criticize.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 21, 2012 ⏰

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