TFA - Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke in my bed. 

I still couldn't help but wonder how a large being such as Blitzwing could be gentle enough to actually pick me up in my sleep and move me without waking me up. Weird.

Like most mornings, I went right to work rather than going out to grab breakfast. I ran over to check on my creation, peeking under the tarp to see that it was ready. Grinning, I set down the edge of the tarp and ran to the control room and converted my feet to their techno forms and hovered up to the intercom panel. Pressing the large red button that activates the intercom mic, I get on my tiptoes and speak into it. "All Decepticons, report to the lab - I repeat, all Decepticons, report to the lab." 

Rather than waiting for anyone to come out of their quarters, I jumped down from the control panel and ran back to my room and headed straight for my lab, standing before my covered creation, ready to present it.

Not long after, Blitzwing, Megatron, Starscream and Lugnut entered. They must have taken energy shots or something, because none of them looked as if they'd just gotten outta bed. Unless, that's just not how it worked for them.

"You requested our presence, Tara?" Megatron asked. "Make it fast."

"I promise you," I mumbled. "this will be worth your time."

I then took hold of the tarp and snatched it away. The figure made their optics widen, their mouths nearly falling open. Megatron's expression turned to that of a devious one, a smirk creeping onto his lips.

"By zhe Allspark.." Blitzwing mumbled. 

The figure - the creation I'd been working so hard on, currently attached to cables and wires from helm to pede, was a femme. A Cybertronian femme with a design that looked like Megatron and Blitzwing combined, but with my own editions and helmet design instead, and claws much like Shockwave's. Its colors were the same as my Techno mode, though the parts of it that weren't armored, like the thighs, stomach, and just below the shoulder armor was dark purple. It had fighter jet wings, similar to Blitzwing's. She also had a set of gatling guns on her back that aimed over her shoulders like Blitzwing, except these weren't cannons, they were Gatling guns. Clearly, I'd designed her to be a triple-changer like my partner. On her faceplate I gave her dark purple lips, and sharply ended tear designs beneath her optics with a black outline, just like the others had around their optics. 

"I call it, Project: Onix."

I watched as their optics danced across the design of my creation, taking in every nook and cranny of it. 

"Zhis...Zhis vas vhat you vere vorking on zhe night before?" Blitzwing asked, finally tearing his optics away from my creation. 

I nodded, unable to hide a grin that broke out onto my black lips. "And if you like it now, just wait." I made my way over to a chair that had a metal electronic helmet attached to the top of it, making it look somewhat like and electric chair, including the straps that were installed to hold its user in.

I then grabbed the helmet, sat down in the chair, put on the helmet and took a deep breath. By squeezing the arm rests of the chair triggered the straps to close, fitting around my limbs and waist almost perfectly. Closing my violet eyes, I spoke a command. "Begin transfer." 

At my command, the room was filled with the sound of machines roaring to life. As my body went limp, electricity could be seen transferring through the cables that were attached to the Cybertronian femme body and the back of the chair I was in. 

Megatron, Blitzwing, Starscream and Lugnut all watched with interest. However, Blitzwing grasped the situation before anyone else. He knew what was going on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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