Day 1

41 3 1

Hey guys! This is day 1 of Flood Escape! My name is lucylovespuppies1213, and tune in on this flood escape! The players in this game are: me, bigHERO6baymax12, Cindering, TheAwesomeOne, maxmaxmax1213, bananaanna1213, typicaltype, and noobhenry, and Guest 666.

lucylovespuppies1213: Yes! I have 21 wins!
TheAwesomeOne: Ummm.. Yay?
lucylovespuppies1213: Don't act all excited.
bigHERO6baymax12: Guys, the round is starting!
maxmaxmax1213: And I shall narrate.
Server: maxmaxmax1213 has stepped off the lift.
Server: The lift is lowering, get ready...
Server: Guest 666 has entered the game.
maxmaxmax1213: Hey guys! Now I shall narrate. The first round is called "Thin Glass". There is a button on the thin glass to open the door entry to the next round. lucylovespuppies1213 uses her spring from her last 12 wins to push the button. The glass shatters. lucylovespuppies1213 makes it without falling. TheAwesomeOne makes it in first with his "super dash" from his last 4 wins. lucylovespuppies1213 bounces in right after him. Oh, no! bananaanna1213 falls and dies in the rising water! noobhenry, bigHERO6baymax12 and ..... Guest 666?!? (For those of you who don't know, Guest 666 is a hacker, and right now he hacked himself into our game!) noobhenry sees Guest 666, with the "Flood Sword" that can kill people, and jumps into the water! bigHERO6baymax12 runs to the exit, only to find Guest 666 right in front of him. He dies. Guest 666 found out he was wasting time, because water was up to his knees! He quickly dies and the door shuts.
Server: Guest 666 has left the game.
Server: Cindering has entered the game.
maxmaxmax1213: CINDERING!! I LOVE YOU!
(For those of you who don't know who Cindering is, he made Roblox High School, and maxmaxmax1213 loves that game.)
Cindering: Oh, how I hate being famous.
Server: Cindering has left the game.
maxmaxmax1213: WHAT?! Uhhhh!
lucylovespuppies1213: maxmaxmax1213! Narrate!
maxmaxmax1213: Oh, yeah. I forgot.
maxmaxmax1213: Well, round 2 is "Plumbing". TheAwesomeOne and lucylovespuppies1213 pushes the button and jumps out. lucylovespuppies1213 uses her "Flood Shard" to press all the buttons. Cindering is almost there when his super dash spins out of control and he falls in the water. lucylovespuppies1213 makes it and the door closes behind her.
Server: TypicalType has entered the game.
maxmaxmax1213: Thanks for ruining the fun, TypicalType!
TypicalType: No Problem! I just want to watch who Evers left.
Server: TypicalType is in spect mode.
maxmaxmax1213: And I'll get back to narrating. Round 3 is "Power Tower". Power Tower is where you have to push buttons to unlock doors to get out of there! lucylovespuppies1213 pushes the first button. The bottom door appears. Then she pushes that button. Another door appears. Then she pushes that button and the doorway is open! She jumps out, and jumps planks to get to the last button. Then she jumps to the door, to Code Cracking.
bananaanna1213: Yay! Go lucylovespuppies1213!
maxmaxmax1213: lucylovespuppies1213 falls through the vent to the code cracking area. She pushes buttons frantically to find the code. The waters coming faster. And..... She made it! She runs in and wins the game!
Server: lucylovespuppies1213 escaped the facility!
lucylovespuppies1213: Yay!
TypicalType: Good Job!
lucylovespuppies1213: Thanks!
bananaanna1213: OK, let's do that again!

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