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Me and my family were sleeping because it was night and that's what normal deer family's do. It was a chill night and I couldn't stay asleep. I kept tossing and turning all over the cave floor.

My mom and dad had already tried everything, feeding me, giving me water, allowing me to use the bathroom... I still had to pee though.

Nothing worked, they even made me run around the cave twenty times! Still, nothing wore me out or even made me feel tired.

I had this weird feeling inside of me that made me seem hyper. My sister, Mabel, was just laying by my mom, sleeping.everyone finally was asleep.

Except me, I wasn't tired:3 I stood up, stretched, and then sat in the opening of the cave. As I was, I started to have one of those peaceful moments, till a crack of lightning striked.

I jumped in shock and fell out of the cave, I expected to land and crack my head open but..... No. Instead I was attached to a sorta tree branch.

I opened my eyes slowly to see a red wolf checking me out. I gulped. She came closer and sniffed my stomach, and when she did, I peed. She backed away and I just hung there.

"Uhh, you ok man? I know I may be scary, but did you half to pee yourself!" She said sarcastically. I didn't know what to say.

"Uh.. I... Uh...Um...*gulp*" "c'mon" she grabbed me and pulled me off the branch. I could feel myself sweat, from fear. She then grabbed me with her fangs and trotted.

"Hey! Look crazy animal! I don't even know you! Kidnapper!!!!" She laughed at me. Why was she laughing? As I through a hissy fit, I then fell asleep.

I awoke in a cave that was dark. Like dark, there was a huge opening and I was laying on a bed made of leaves. I felt hungry so I took a bite.

I then heard growling. And I froze. I felt breathing on my shoulder and I was flipped on my back. I then saw the same wolf standing over me. She had a playful look in her huge emerald eyes.

"Wha-what do you want?! I-im not f-food!" I screamed shakily. She then leaped off of me and grabbed my pine tree hat with her jaws.

I got that hat strolling in the forest with dad. It was just lying on the ground, and I took it. I mean, why not? Is that not normal?

I then looked at her and she met my eyes. Her face then fell flat. "Man, are you ok? I just wanted to play.." she said calmly. I then burst into tears.

She walked slowly to me and sat down. She licked the tears away. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I then hugged her, I don't know why though.

She froze, and a few seconds later, she hugged me back. And she also pet my fur a little. I loved when my mom used to do that. But she would use her tongue.

After awhile of crying and hugging this stranger, I fell asleep in her shoulder. She was fluffy, it felt like lying in a couple piles of warm alive leaves.


The little boy was sleeping on me. I don't know what had just happened here, but he seemed depressed. I moved him into a comfortable position and payed around him in a protective circle.

He was warm. And smelled like grass. I hate how deers smelled better than wolf's. But I still like the smell of grass :3 I then felt his little arm wrap around my neck, and I fell asleep.

Hopefully when he wakes up he doesn't pee on my again, that tasted so bad earlier.

Authors note:

Aww that's so adorable, but I hope he doesn't pee on her! That would be gross!!! Ewe.. ok don't forget to like and I would say subscribe but I'm gonna say comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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