1. brown eyes

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as i jump into the schools pool, my body feels heavy. i slowly sink to the bottom, consumed in my thoughts.

i must have been down there for a while because people were jumping in to get me. after pulling me out of the pool they were firing questions left and right. " are you okay", " what happened"," why did you do that". i had no answers, my mind was blank as i got up and walked to the locker room.

practice was almost over, and i had a big test tomorrow, i needed to leave. walking past the showers i quickly find my shampoo and conditioner in my locker. i walk back to the shower and turn it on, it beamed down on my skin and burnt me, it was scorching. i didn't turn it down though i liked the way it felt against my skin. i quickly washed myself and put my clothes back on. i could hear the other swimmers screaming, someone must have threw them in the pool.

walking over to the mirror i put mascara on from where the pool and the shower had washed it away. just as i was about to walk out i noticed some girls hair dryer attached to the wall so i used it, its not like she's ever going to know. my long black hair slowly dries as my hand not holding the dryer runs through my hair detangling it.

my boots make loud clacking noises as i walk out of the locker room. i look around and everyone is in the stands looking at me. its at this moment when i realized the guys with guns in front of them. they all looked different but one stuck out to me, he looked like he was the leader. He had the most jewelry and the biggest guns. i could see a tattoo on his neck leading to his back.

he heard my shoes and looked over at me and his eyes stared into mine, i didn't know what to do. his eyes were dark brown and narrowed at me trying to figure me out. his mouth parted open like he was about to talk, when one of the other men yelled, "hey hot stuff why don't ya come sit with the rest of the gang?".

i walked over and sat on the lowest bench, everyone was staring at me so i just looked to the floor. all of a sudden the barrel of a gun was placed under my chin and lifted my face up. i looked up to see brown eyes looking at me he smirked and said, "keep your head up, princess." it sent shivers down my spine as i nodded my head complying with him. "alright boys time to take your pick." he lowered the gun and looked over to the men beside him.

  "after you boss." one of the men said, he was short and kind of chubby, with lots of tattoos on his arms and face. the rest huffed and crossed their arms eyeing the crowed before them. one of the girls then started crying. "shut the fuck up before i kill you!" the same man yelled pointing his gun at her. she quieted down but you could still hear her whimpers.

as i was looking at the chubby man i heard brown eyes say, " you, what's your name, princess?" i could hear the smirk in his voice.

my head turned to look at him, and he was already staring. "eden." i spoke. he looked at me like i was joking. "what?" i asked him, embarrassed.

" nothing, it just fits perfectly for a princess, princess." his voice is deep and i can feel it shaking my bones. i should be scared of him right now but i just cant seem to be afraid. " come up here, eden." the other men groan whispering about how ' it isn't fair boss gets all the good ones'. brown eyes must hear them too because he glares at them, then holds his hand out for me to get up and take it. i stand up and walk beside him, and tuck myself somewhat behind his back. i look up at all the kids and they look terrified, i would be too if it wasn't for brown eyes. the girl who was crying earlier was still weeping silently. the others too in shock to do anything. it was a sunday and no one was going to be here to clean the school until 9 and it was 7, they were hopeless. no one had their phones on them either because they were in the pool prior to this incident. 

" my turn. " the chubby one from before said while rubbing his hands together and licking his lips like he's about to eat a nice juicy chicken wing. he smirked and raised his had to the girl who was crying earlier. she let out a whale as she realized he was pointing to her. she refused to get up so he had to walk up the bleachers and pull her by her hair to get her down. " your mine now, get used to it." he huffed. she's going to be tough she never listens to anyone he will probably end up killing her. wait, what if brown eyes kills me, i never thought of that, what is he going to do to me.

my breathing becomes rapid as my heart rate picks up, oh my god i'm going to have a panic attack. this isn't good.i look down and grab a fist full of brown eyes' shirt as my knees begin to get weak brown eyes notices and turns around, "what's wrong, princess?" his eyes are furrowed and he has a worried look on his face. i couldn't talk enough to answer him back, my throat felt like something was stuck. my eyes began to water and he pulled me out of the room, into the locker room. "hey, hey, hey, are you okay?" he asks rubbing my back after we had sat down on a bench in the locker room. i just shook my head as my breathing began to go back to normal. i just pulled him in closer so his arm were around me and i felt safe.

" why are you being nice to me?" i asked once i could talk again. i looked up at him and he lets out a shaky breath. "because your different i can tell. your like me." i nodded my head agreeing with him.

" what's going to happen to me and them?" i asked worried. he looks at me from the floor and says," honestly i don't know what's going to happen to them, but i can assure you your going to be fine. your going to come back to my house and live with me, and if you behave ill let you see your family."

" my family moved across the country without me because my dad had to go to work down there. i couldn't go with them because i already got accepted to university, and I'm about to graduate." i told him and he kind of looked relieved. i was about to ask him his name when i heard screaming and gunshots. brown eyes and i looked at each other our eyes wide as we stood up and ran out of the locker room to see what was going on. all i saw was the dead bodies of a few of the students and all of brown eyes men, there were cops everywhere, someone must have been in the school and called the cops.

"quick, this way." i whispered as i pulled him back into the locker room and ran through the showers and lockers until we came to two big doors. we pushed through them, and took a left down the hallway until we were met with the big glass doors to the outside. " where did you park?" i asked him.

" around the back." he answered. good, i thought to myself. i look down and take his hand in mine and push the door open and we run to the back parking lot. he leads us to his car a sleek, black range rover. we get in and he drives through the grass around the school so he doesn't run into the cop cars in the front. after swerving around the football field we were on the road.

i looked back and no cop cars were following us, thank god. i slump back down in my seat and let out a heavy breath. brown eyes suddenly yells, "hell yea." fist bumping the air. i smile at him, his hand around the steering wheel i can see a snake tattoo on his hand, it looks really cool.

" so, what's your name, brown eyes?" i ask him. he looks at me weirdly at the nickname i have gave him. "brown eyes, really?" he says amused.

"well i didn't exactly have the chance to ask you your name." i exclaimed laughing at it too because it really sounded weird out loud.

"my names jax, princess"


hi guys sorry if there are any mistakes. this is based off of a dream i had literally last night i just changed some characters and made it more realistic. so if your guys like it and want to see more please like it and comment. thanks!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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