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Denver, Colorado: 10:23p.m.
My father always did say if you don't press for the truth you'll never get it. I was pressing now, harder than I thought I would have to with this fat fuck. I saw the shock and fear in his eyes as I put the long barrel of the silencer to his head. Right above the nose where the skull is thin and weak, easy for a 9mm bullet to take a quick less painful route to the brain. Consider it charity I guess.

"where is he?" I pressed so hard I'm sure there would be a bruise if I lifted the barrel but that was not going to happen until this jackass told me where exactly Mr Craft was and why.

"I do not dare tell a slut where this Mr Craft is. Even if a new!" This guy, being a dumbass, attempted to spit in my face. It was pathetic and more blood than spit came out. Sirens in the back ground. Shit! Running out of time and this guy wasn't going to break anytime soon.


"Oh look this little girl thinks I'm ganna give information that i don't even know, at the count of five! Childish! You must not be over thirteen years old, and already out on the streets. Tell me child what happened to the scumbags you call parents." at another time i might have thought he actually cared deep inside, but not now. Now was the time to act. The cops were just around the corner. He was so close to me just blowing his head off but he wanted to know the story of my "parents".

"You really want to know?"

"Yeah, i do."

"My mom was the worst, so she got to watch the house burn down with my dad and baby sister locked inside. My older sister pulled into the drive way as I pulled the trigger ending my mother. I tried to tell her to drive way, that she could live. My sister you see, she was the only one who cared about me. My mother forgot to feed me for a whole week, you know. Ah but my sister always noticed. She brought food for me to eat. But she didn't get the hint. She came and tried to take the gun, but I shot her before she could. I never cried, never grieved. I didn't even think of attending their funeral." Cops were in front of the alley now. 30 seconds.

"Fuck. Your a psychopath!" He started to struggle beneath my grip. Screaming and yelling for the police I gave up and pulled the trigger. BANG!!! That same hollow sound filled the air as it had done that night. Another motionless body added to the pile. 57 down 63 more to go.

20........19......... I sat there for a bit. Long enough for the police cars headlights to reach my out stretched feet. I pulled a note out of my pocket and shoved it down the dead guys throat. The police car came to a stop. But as the door opened I was gone. Climbing up the ladder on the side of Rocket Fizz. Disappearing into the night.

hey readers thanks for reading this. This is my first story on here, so please tell me what to fix. i do already know that my capatilization and punctuation sucks and I'm sorry for that i just don't feel like fixing it right now. Hey it would be great if i could get this to eh.... lets say 15 reads by 1-10-17. love you guys thanks again for reading my stories.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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