Behind Her Mask (Ladynoir)

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Ladybug's POV:

I cleanse the akuma and feel a hand on my forearm.
"Ladybug, tell us what happened."
"Yah, Ladybug!"
"Lady blog here, a new update coming from your girl, Alya!"
I am swarmed by reporters and bloggers alike.

*Beep Beep*

My miraculous beeps and I start fretting.

It's a huge crowd, how am I gonna get outside to escape?

"M'Lady! This way!" My knight in shining leather winks as he motions to a door.

"An exit! Great thinking Chat!"

He grabs me by the hand and rushes towards the doorway.

I'm glad he didn't look back, otherwise he would've seen me blushing.

He pulls us into the next room and closes the door behind us.


"That was close!" I say before comprehending what had just happened.

"Chat!!!" I scold him, "this is a closet!"

"Uhhh oops?" I hear him nervously laugh, and realize I can't see him. "I a-paw-logize."

Those dumb puns of his.. those adorable, stupid puns...

"Where's the light switch in this thing?" I feel around with my hands, plowing them straight into my partner's abs.

His abs. Oh my Ladybug.

"Uhh Bugaboo?" He says as he tenses at my touch.

I pull my hand back and giggle. "Sorry.."

*Beep Beep*

My earrings! I'm gonna change back!

"Looks like we are stuck in here, Lovebug. The reporters are still outside and you are gonna change back!"

I listen closely to the outside world, and sure enough, I hear reporters shouting questions through the door.

I groan in frustration. "Is there any door? Any secret exit of some sort?"

We both feel around the tiny closet, trying not to accidentally touch one another.

"Nope." I say.
"None here either. This is claw-ful. Looks like we are gonna have to wait for them to leave." He replied.
"But that will take hours! My miraculous will run out in like two minutes!" I throw my hands up in the air, accidentally uppercutting Chat Noir.

"Meow-ch M'Lady. That hurt!"

"Sorry... sorry.." I lower my hands in the dark and pout.

*Beep Beep*

"Hey Chat?"


"Since we are in the dark, we can't really know who the other person's true identity is... right? So it would be safe to detransform?"

"Aww Bugaboo.. I wanna know who you really are... behind the mask."

"But we aren't supposed to. It would mean great danger for us."

"Ughh.. I know... but..."

"No more buts." I say and see a pink halo spiral surround me and then fade, transforming me into Marinette.

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