Hazelled Grief

26 6 3

The tears stood static.

Not leaving the horizon line,

they blurred time to dust.

They didn't fall like leaves on a blue streaked day.

They didn't leave the sky.

I didn't want the tears to depart.

I didn't want them to shatter to the depths,

I didn't want to forget the sky.

My brain, now empty.

At a loss for words.

The paths travelled not sparking with thought.

Blood, pain, death,

such a gore-like thought.

We rejoice then grieve past the hour-hand clock.

Fear and hope unite,

until there is no more.

No tomorrow left to see.

Just the raw straws of light,


not wanting to leave the colour-stark sky.

And then dusk comes once more,

the abyss from within.

Claiming all in callused hands,

leading unfathomably

Into the infinite light.


with the collections of tears,

I stare in wonderment at the starred night.

I listen for the heart beat of tomorrow.

The stars,

hope carved within fear.

Derive from the horizon,

reach up with adamantine,

and drink from the creviced moon.

Today has become yesterday.

The night dips lower.

Another colour gone.

A new one rises.

The heart beat of tomorrow has arrived.

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