Roommate Of Beware ..

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  • Dedicated to Heather Lassale

Roommate Of Beware

By Irene Marceau (LoveToBeBounded)

Chapter One :  

As I blare my music, my favorite band of all time ... Hollywood Undead! I am literally obsessed with Johnny 3 Tears, he's so hot! Well not really but whatever. But back to the story. I was listening to HU and my mum walks in.  

"Kat, you can't stay here anymore. Your just way to much trouble. No matter how bad this hurts your father and I, it's for your own good. We'll give you 50,000 a month. To make sure your in a good place. But you chose it on your own. I'm sorry. You have till the end of this week to find a place." and the just walks out. But hey 50 grand. I'd move, wouldn't you? 

I went on my computer to look for roommates cause there's he'll of a no way I'm living alone. I mean I can barley sleep without checking my closet or under my bed. Yes I know it's sad but whatever! 

After about an hour of looking I found a place for 450, and it said to text them

' hey, my names Kat. I'm interested in your roommate thing. So text meh back. K thnx ' 

~ not even 10 minutes after I got a text back

' yo I'm Danny you can move in anytime this week if that works out cause I really need to rent. '

' hey yah thnx cuz my parents kicked me out so I need a place ASAP. '

' well u can move in 2day if ya want too.? '

' yah thnx Danny. Do u thnk u culd help bring the stuff? ' 

' yah what's ur add. I'll be there in an hour '

' 567 Mashinburg st . don't worry I'm not a snobby rich gurl '

' haha I'll be the judge. See ya soon '

After I finished packing which was like already done. I kinda new that my parents were gonna kick me out. So HA! Beat you to it bitches! But I look a long hot shower so I could feel good about leaving I was really nervous what if Danny was hot?! Omg I don't think I could live .. Haha joking! But I put on my ripped super tight skinny jeans that were white and my black off the shoulder top that said 'Single so ready to play?' in white letters and my black sandals. But I teased my black hair that was amazingly long it was almost down to my ass and put oh gold eyeshadow to complement my hazel eyes and of corse black eyeliner. Just as I was about to put a nice braid to put my bangs out of my eyes I got a text from Danny

' yo outside '

' kk I'll need help so brt ' I ran down the stairs and seen an amazing sexy guy outside my door. Damn, I had to say that to myself cause I'm pretty sure he's already noticing that I'm checking him out.  

" Uh, your Danny?" I had said in a kinda flirty voice. I didn't mean to! 

"Yeah, and your Kat. I hope." he said back also flirty. Mhn I bet he has the rockinest abs. But after we got all my stuff into his car we drove to his... Our home.

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