Challenge 1

13 3 1

My twin brother Daniel and I rushed through the barrier and onto Platform 9 and 3/4.
My younger sister Moira was sulking.
"All of them are at Hogwarts but me she groaned.
"Don't worry!" My 5th year sister Maya said, "We'll send you all lots of letters like always!"
"And there'll be even more since Dan and I will be at Hogwarts!" I said cheerfully.
"I guess," Moira said as she tucked a lock of her dark hair behind her ears.
"Come on guys!" Gwen yelled, "If we miss the train I won't get to play Quidditch again this year!"
"They wouldn't kick you off!" My dad said to Gwen, "You're a good and loyal player for Gryffindor!"
Gwen grinned, and picked up her suitcase high above her head, and held up her broomstick.
"I see Zara, I'm heading over to her so we can get a good compartment."
My golden haired sister rushed off and my dad laughed, "She reminds me of you Sadie," he said looking at my mum, "Always rushing."
My mum rolled her eyes, "Always with the dramatics James."
"That's probably where Dan gets it!" Matt piped up.
"Hey!" Daniel exclaimed, and he started chasing Matt across the platform.
"Carson Radagon and Cleo Thien will be in your year you know," Maya said to me, "So you don't need to worry about that."
"I'm not worried!" I said, "I can't wait to meet new people!"
"Time to get on board!" My mum said, and we all hurried onto the train.
Matt and Maya went to go sit with Leo Malfoy, Zadi Corla and Kath Border, Charles and Emerson had went to their friends (they're the twins after Gwen) and Gwen had already rushed off to see her friends so Dan and I were alone in the train.
"I'm going to go sit with Carson and Cleo," Daniel said and he walked off.
"Thanks for the brotherly love!" I yelled at him.
I rolled my eyes as I climbed into another compartment and put my trunk up.
"Oh, hello there!" I said to the other girl sitting in the compartment.
Suddenly, the train started moving.
I pulled open the window and looked out as we chugged away from the platform.
"Woo hoo!" I yelled, "Hogwarts here we come!"
The girl smiled and asked, "Are you from a wizarding family?"
I nodded, "My dad's James Potter the second. My mum is Sadie Potter, and they both went to Hogwarts."
"I saw you on the platform, you have a lot of siblings?"
"Yep, 7 of them! There's 8 of us including me. Dad says there's so many of us because we have Weasley blood."
"That's funny."
"What about you? Are you from a wizarding family?"
"No, I'm a muggleborn."
"I'm a half-blood (technically since neither of my parents are pureblood)but that's cool too!"
"Yeah! My great aunt was a muggleborn, and she's super smart! Also my great grandpa on my mum's side was a muggleborn!"
The girl nodded, smiling.
"By the way," I said, "What's your name?"
"Oh!" The girl said, "I'm sorry, I forgot! I'm Jennifer, Jennifer Maray."
"Cassidy Potter, glad to meet ya Jennifer!"
"Anyone want sweets?" Called a voice that I instantly recognized.
"There's the Trolley Witch, I brought some money, let's buy some!" I said.
"Alright," Jennifer said.
I purchased a couple cauldron cakes and some chocolate frogs and the Trolley Witch moved on.
First the two of us ate the cakes and then I showed Jennifer the cards.
"See," I said, "This is a Helga Hufflepuff card, she was the founder of Hufflepuff house. She's alright, but my favorite is Rowena Ravenclaw. She's beautiful!"
I showed Jennifer the card of the Ravenclaw founder and she agreed with me.
"We'd better put on our robes," Jennifer said, "That's what we do, right?"
I nodded, "Yeah, on the Express you put your robes on."
We pulled out the clothes from our bag and changed into them.
We spent the rest of our time talking and looking over our new books.
"I've got a sibling in every house," I said, "Maya is in Ravenclaw, Matt and Gwen are Gryffindors, Charles is a Hufflepuff and Emerson is a Slytherin."
"I hope we're in the same house," Jennifer said, "I'm terrified of being alone!"
"That's alright!" I said, "You'll be called first and I'll try to convince the hat to put us in the same house!"
Jennifer smiled, a crooked one, and I noticed that she too had braces.
"Look!" I said, "It's Hogwarts!"
Jennifer and I pressed our faces to the window and looked onto the majestic castle, it's spires reaching towards the moon-lit sky, windows glistening with candlelight.
The train chugged into its station, and we all rushed out.
The 2nd years and up went into their carriages and we first years listened as we heard someone call for them.
"Firs' years, Firs' years this way!"
"Who's that?" Jennifer asked, blue eyes wide with shock as she pointed to the enormous man.
"Hagrid!" I said, "He's the groundskeeper and he teaches Care for Magical Creatures!"
Hagrid smiled and waved at me and I hurried into his boat, Jennifer at my heels.
"Well Cassidy, welcome ter Hogwarts!" Hagrid said grinning, "And who's yer friend here."
"This is Jennifer," I said, and my new friend waved shyly.
"Glad ter meet you Jen!"
Two others came into our boat and we began to sail.
The water was black as obsidian, yet it shone brighter than any jewel I'd ever seen.
"It's breathtaking." Jennifer said.
"Gorgeous." I agreed, making mental notes to design a dress with inspiration from the lake.
Our boats docked and we all entered into a waiting room.
An older woman entered.
"Hello students, my name is Professor Minerva McGonagall, and I'm here to talk to you about the Sorting. You will be called by last name in alphabetical order and have the sorting hat placed on your head. It will sort you into one of the four Hogwarts houses. Gryffindor, the brave, Ravenclaw, the wise, Slytherin, the cunning and Hufflepuff the loyal. You will enter the hall soon."
Professor McGonagall left and we all waited. Soon the doors opened and we stepped into the Great Hall.
I spotted the hat which began to sing but I didn't pay attention to it.
I was mesmerized by the Hall.
Hundreds of ivory candles drifted through the air, their wicks alight with dancing orange flames. The ceiling was patterned with constellations.
"It's beautiful," I whispered.
Jennifer nodded, and McGonagall called the first name.
"Adams, Johnathan!" The boy became a Ravenclaw and one of the four tables cheered.
The Sorting continued, until it was Jennifer's turn.
"Maray, Jennifer!"
Jennifer came up to the ratted old hat, her knees shaking and I crossed my fingers that she'd get something good.
The hat touched her head and after a second or two,
"HUFFLEPUFF!!!!" The hat yelled, and the Hufflepuff table cheered.
Jennifer smiled at me and I gave her a thumbs up.
Soon enough it was my time to head up to the hat.
"So, another Potter, I suppose I've got your twin next, hmm... Well, let me see..." The hat said in my head.
"I wanted Ravenclaw," I admitted, "But Jennifer is in Hufflepuff, and I want to stay with her. I don't want her to be alone."
The hat laughed, "And that sort of loyalty is exactly what puts you in... HUFFLEPUFF!!!"
I stepped out of the front and to the Hufflepuff table where I sat by Jennifer and my older brother Charles.
"Thank you." Jennifer said, "I know you wanted Ravenclaw."
"It's ok," I said, "Hufflepuff is cool! We stand for loyalty, friendship, stuff like that! Besides, Ravenclaw might've been to hard. I heard they hold mandatory study meeting! No way!"
Jennifer laughed and I grinned.
My Hogwarts experience would be special, I had no doubt.

Word Count: 1321
So, that was my entry for HermioneDragneelNewt with her first challenge for the Potterhead competition, and anyways, hope this was good!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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