Chapter 1: Numb

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Bella's POV

"Bella", his soft velvet voice rang through my ears. A cold hand sweeps  my hair away from my shoulder, and a cool pair of lush pink lips trail their way along my exposed skin sending waves of electricity through my body. I raise my hand and cup his face, turning around to look at him in all his glory and god-like stature.

"I love you," I whisper so low, knowing very well he heard me.

"That's too bad," his voice has changed noticeably as he starts backing away from me, my arms reach out in attempt to grab him but I fail and fall to the ground with a loud thump.
"If only there was someone in the world who felt the same feelings towards you," a demonic smirk spreads across his face as my glistening angel leaves me crying out in horror and pain...


I wake up with a scream.

Beads of sweat cover my face and I feel a sense of familiarity. I look around me to see that I'm in my room, my purple covers twisted around my legs, my hair noticeably knotted. I sigh.

It was just another nightmare.

I sit upright, allowing my head to spin for a few moments before I can see straight without the room spinning. It was a Saturday, some might say the best day of the week. For me; the most torturous. It was a day where I had no school, no classes, no distractions. I was forced to sit and remember.

I get up and out of bed, noticing that Charlie's cruiser was gone from the driveway. Fishing again. I wasn't surprised that Charlie never hung around the house anymore. All he could do was watch me slowly fade away. I didn't blame him. I didn't like him seeing me in this state, but there was nothing I could do to free myself from the emptiness and deprivation I felt from a certain someone....

No. I couldn't even say his name anymore. Every time I thought of him, the hole in my chest grew a little bit more, causing me so much pain, it easily topped last summer when I was minutes away from dying...

The memory hurt to even think about.

My day went by like most, my brain not even thinking about what I was doing at the exact moment. It was like I was a robot, automatically programmed to get though a days work without actually thinking about anything. I felt nothing but numbness inside. I was utterly and completely empty.

The day went by slowly, giving me plenty of time to wallow in pity and sadness, just like I had for the past three months. Nothing has changed apart from the fact that with each day, I break a little more inside.

The same went for Sunday, and Monday was no exception. I trudged into school with absolutely no emotion towards anything anyone did or said. It was like this everyday; routine. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. The days passed like any other.

I awoke Friday morning with the intention of going to school as per usual, but I was stopped just as I was getting into my truck. Charlie approached me, his brows furrowed and his forehead creased with worry.

"Bella," he started, "I'm sending you home."

My face creased with confusion. "Home? What do you mean? I am home."

"No. I mean home as in with your mother."

I suddenly felt sad and angry at the same time. Didn't he want me?

"Look, ever since Edward and his family left," the mention of his name cut into me like a burning hot cast iron and made me wince, "you've been so depressed Bells, I feel as though I've lost you."

"Dad," I managed to mumble, "I like Forks, it's my home. I promise I'll get better, you just need to give me some time and..."

"Time?" He interrupted me mid-sentence, "Bells it's been three months! I'm not sure I can live any longer if you keep this up."

"Dad," I pleaded, guilt smothering my words, "Please, I'll try, I really will. Just please don't make me leave," tears threatened to fall down my cheeks as I struggled to keep them at bay.

Charlie sighed with defeat, "just think about it would you?"

I managed to force a small smile on my lips and nodded to please him. He uncomfortably shrugged his way to his own car, leaving me confused and sad. I managed to start the engine and pull away before the tears began to fall...

So what do you think?? This is the first chapter of my new story 'Lost and Found' and I really hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to leave comments on how I can improve it and please vote!!! Thanks!! Xx

Lost and found {Twilight; Bella and Edward love story}Where stories live. Discover now