me and you?

44 1 10

A/N- so i wrote this song for one of my exs and havent shown her it so hope you like it and if i get 200 reads ill record it and sing it to her and i only finished part of it still working out the kinks

You're the moon who guides me through the darkness

I don't know how you're pulling through this

You don't understand how much I want to

Protect you, be beside you, and let you know I'm here for you

I know you feel like there is nothing I can do

But believe in me

There Is more to life than you think that there may be

You might think no one's afraid of losing you

But darling I'm afraid I might lose you too

I just wish you knew that was true

I'll be your guardian angel

I'll do anything for you if I am able

But if I want to protect you I need to be emotionally stable

Out of everyone to help you would be my first choice

God I love the sound of your laugh and the sound of your voice

I know how it feels to put a blade against your wrists

But if you lose control you will be missed

Not just by me but by everyone who cares that you exist

The clothes you were, the style of your hair

Goddamn I can't help but stare

Red like your lipstick, brown like your eyes

Whoever can make you smile, man I wish I could be that guy

Look I understand you feel like you're nothing

But to me you're fucking something

To tell you the truth I never believed in love

I'm not into that cupid shit

Where he flies up above

But what I feel with you is something I don't get

It's like every time I see you I get this weird feeling in my pit

And sometimes I hope it never quits

But me and you now that sounds pretty legit

Hey um I didn't want to bother you

And I know this seems kinda outta the blue

But I mean hey I kinda like you

And I know this is kinda cliché

But my heart is definitely beyond not ok

I would like to go out someday

Maybe not as a date

but being around you is still the best damn thang

and all this shit and greed from all the others

will make you bleed for another

im so fricken done watching you suffer

im just saying maybe we'd be perfect together

maybe we could even be together forever

but I mean im not complaining

and I can show you that im actually caring

hunter you should know how happy you make me

just letting you know meeting you was like listening to a new song for the first time

and knowing it would be my favorite

hunter I hope I can one day make you mine

it's been a while since I knew what butterflies felt like

we may not be nothing alike

but c'mon opposites attract right

A/N-well thats it guys hope you liked it and remember 200 reads and i record it and sing it to her 

later guys love you all.

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