Capital S Something

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I died only a year after Augustus.

    Itwas quick and painless. I simply fell asleep one night and didn't wake up againin the morning. I never figured out what happened to Anna's mother or thepossible conman, never heard from Mr. Van Houten again. That had long sincestopped mattering to me. It wasn't quite as easy as falling asleep, though, forI found myself present at my own funeral.

I wasn't there in life, but I was there in spirit. There weren't very many people there, but everybody who mattered had shown up. I watched my parents crying in the front row of seats, mom's face buried in dad's shoulder. Kaitlyn was crying into her tissue, gorgeous despite the tears. Mr. and Mrs. Waters were there too, right next to my parents. Isaac sat on their other side, facing his lap solemnly. They were the only people I bothered to watch. They were the ones who mattered.

Isaac got up to read my eulogy, managing a bitter laugh about the one he'd written but been unable to read back to himself. So he would try to remember what he could and improvise where necessary, and that he did. If that wasn't enough to bring tears to my eyes, it most certainly was when Augustus's father stood to read the eulogy that his son had written for me before he died.

Once he had finished speaking, the room was lost to me. Everything faded out of existence before me, everything turning to pure light. It wasn't blinding to look at like I would expect it to be, but everything around me was a blur of white like the purest form of energy radiating from the sun.

"Hazel Grace."

I turned around to see the boy who had spoken, a genuine smile on his face. His blue eyes sparkled with excitement when we looked at each other. I was afraid of seeing him because of what that would mean. I was afraid he wasn't real and even more afraid that he was.


Augustus took a few steps forwards to meet me and all I wanted was to rush into his arms. I managed to stay put, a smile on my own face, as he stopped in front of me. We were so close and the sparks in my heart made it almost impossible to keep from kissing him.

"You've died." He stated, a trace of sadness visible in his eyes.

"You died first." I told him, "If you wanted me to stay alive, maybe you should have too."

"Okay." Augustus's smile got wider and so did mine.


Augustus leaned forwards and kissed me. It was short but meant more to me than anything else in the world ever could. Then he pulled away and stared into my eyes, a loving expression on his face.

"Hazel Grace," The love of my life and of my death told me with absolute certainty, "Welcome to capital S Something."

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