I feel like I hit a pod of Blue Whales

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(Author Language)
Ancient Greek
Mermaid Language
(Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson I do own this story Elia or Cordelia enjoy!)
I raced in the sea I couldn't help but smile as Riley my Tigersea struggled to catch up with me I saw a net it had a Mermaid I sighed this was getting out of hand! I went to the surface and put my hand up and a wave rose and smashed into the ship SNAP! The rope snapped and the Mermaid was free she looked at me "Thank You!" She shouted at me looking grateful I nodded smiling and dived underwater.

Well time for an introduction my name is Cordelia, Elia for short in Mermaid Language it literally means Daughter Of The Sea (It does but in English) which I am, the ocean is my mom my dad is the King of the Atlantic sea (except for Poisiden) but the entire ocean is my home I like to stay near this city that has so many lights it rivals the Stars! I heard some humans call it the City that never sleeps.

I am a very curious Mermaid but I settle for sitting on a pillar of rock in a kelp forest braiding some seaweed and seashells with Riley I looked at Riley who was busy gathering shells.

"Riley, do you think we should blend in with Humans? it would be a good way to find out information I do have a human form it would be very useful with my skills if we do this we need to watch the humans" I asked she just looked at me and nodded I swam I looked above the surface for a peek.

There were kids playing in the sand and there was a man looking at a 3 year old toddler with hunger? I couldn't help but get freaked out. He was looking at him and then started walking towards him I knew that I had to do something so I went to the beach and turned into my human form and walked towards the man who was now growling? I went to him and tapped him on his shoulder and said

"Excuse me but can you stop growling at that toddler? it's very rude and suspicious" he just looked at me I swear I saw fear in his eyes he backed away

I looked at the toddler smiled at him went into the water and disappeared I didn't see him until 15 years later.
15 Years Later Percy's Pov:

I wanted to rip Alex Freeman apart he has been nothing but trouble when he came he was just fighting a scorpion that was as big as my arm and he was screaming his head off I just stabbed it and it vaporized and when the campers came he actually boasted about it "Hah! I killed a scorpion with my sword and this guy just watched me vaporize it!" He boasted and things went down hill from there first he kept flirting with Annabeth.

I nearly killed him and when he was claimed I nearly died from shock because above him was a glowing trident and he claimed him as his favourite son. The worst was yesterday when I decided to go down to the beach looking at all the ships that were Mermaid-hunting suddenly a ships crew went bananas a net had a Mermaid. It was tan with slightly pointed ears and a blue tail with a blue tank top.

Suddenly a wave went up higher than the cliff! I saw very briefly another Mermaid this one had her hand raised she had blue hair from what I could see.

The wave turned into a hand it followed the mermaid's hand and the hand plucked the net from the ship and freed the mermaid it was impressive when we went to dinner Alex was boasting how he had freed a mermaid I spit out my coke "WHAT!? THAT IS NOT TRUE I SAW-" I yelled but was cut off by something stinging.

I touched my cheek and looked at my plate half my face was red and it was in the shape of a hand I looked up and saw Annabeth with her hand raised.

I was shocked that's what led me to leaving I'd gotten a potion from Medea that got rid of my scent so now here I am in front of a school and went inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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