I have no idea what I'm doing!

38 3 9

Ok so uhh as the title says I got tagged, so whoever I tag has to list 13 thing about you afterwards tag 15 other people..

1. Nearly everyone mistakes my gender!

2. I'm the youngest of three.

3. I love gore.

4. I would prefer to read than to do anything else.

5. I have never left the country I was born in.

6. I love to play mind/logical games (no clue why though).

7. My first and last name begin with the same letter.

8. I am the odd one out in my family.

9. I see theripists that try to get me to become a happy person, enphisis on the try.

10. I can kinda draw.

11. I love to write short stories even though they suck.

12. I am known to my class as 'Psycho Murderer'...p

13. Pretty much all of my friends (irl) come from a different country.

...now for the tagging part (I am so sorry to all that I have tagged, try and forgive me).











PandoraButler  (Your an awesome writer but I just realized that I wasn't following you and may or may not have broke down.)

Ciel_the_Writer (First book I read on wattpad belonded to you and you're an amazing author, so keep doing what you do!)

blancana (I love your stories, they are just-- I have no words.)



Is begining to get annoyed at how many amazing authors there are out there..

ANYWAYS I am so sorry if I tagged you or didn't tag you! Keep being the amazing people you are!

...Me just being the annoying person that I am..

.........I think I'm done, tell me if I screwed up please...

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