Aphmau At Her House

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Aphmau: *Yells* Aaron?!? Can you make me some breakfast? Sorry to yell but I don't know where you are. *Nobody Responds* Aaron? Come on, you know I don't like to be scared! *She Runs up and down the stairs but finds no one, but a note that says*

Dear Aph,
I've been thinking about me and my family a whole lot in my head.... I decided to go visit them. Don't worry I will be back....I hope. I will try not to get dragged into the family business. I know you haven't met my family except Melissa, my parents can get out of hand. I am going to try and trust them. I love you Aph, be back soon.

-Aaron ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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