Story One

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The sentences in bold are what were previously written in the book :)

At first, we thought the black liquid was oil, that we'd struck it rich and we'd be able to retire and live in leisure. We actually started writing down all the ways we'd spend the money. Our first choice was to buy out every single Carl's Jr. in the city of Los Angles, well that was Frankie's idea, mine was to buy a nice house. Not one with ten bedrooms, five bathrooms and huge pool in the backyard, and not too small either, just a good size house, something that me and Frankie never had before.

"Frankie, be realistic." I said laughing.
"Okay okay. I would..." She began while putting the bullet point under mine. "I would use the money to help mom to retire and after a while put her in a really good home.

"Hmm." I said while standing there. "Why?" I asked in confusion. "Why would you help her? The moment Carol found out she was pregnant with twins she immediately put us into foster care so why would help her?"

"Look I don't expect you to understand why I do what I do, why I want to help her, or why I visit her once a week, but I do it and there isn't a thing you could say to change my mind about what i'm doing."

"Okay. Look I'm sorry and I shouldn't try to tell you how to feel or what to do."
"It's fine I guess."

We kept writing things we wanted to do with the money then soon after leaving. We walked in the small, worn out group home and said hi to our foster parents, out of respect and they gave us the dirty look they always give us. They only have foster kids because they get paid by the government, they don't even care about any of us. I don't think it's right.

"Come to the dinner table. We got pizza." My foster mom Carrol said.
"Again? Really?" I heard one of the girls in
say under her breath.
"Do you have something to say  Alyssa?"
"Yeah, actually I do. I'm sick of having store bought pizza every single night." She shouted.
"Yeah well that's what we're having. If you don't want it, you don't have to eat tonight."
"I'll take you up on that offer." She said, looking Carol dead in the eye and standing up. She shoved her chair back under the table, walked into her room, and slammed the door.

We all sat there in silence. "Grab a piece." Carol said. I stood up and slowly pushed my chair in.
"Where do you think you're going?" Carol exclaimed. "In the room ma'am." I said as respectfully as I could.
"What are you doing?" Frankie whispered loudly.
"I'm not hungry." I said as I made my way into the room. I grabbed a book and read until everyone was finished eating.

"What was that?" Frankie asked.
"Nothing. I just wasn't hungry."
"Yeah right. What happened?"
"I-I just have a lot on my mind."
"About what?" She asked.
"What are we gonna do?"
"About what?"
"The oil. Or the black liquid, whatever it is. What if it's dangerous. What if it's worth millions. What are we gonna do?"

We both sat there in silence, trying to wrap out heads around everything.

"Get to bed." our foster mom Robin said sternly. All of the five foster kids in the small house sighed. We got in our bunk beds and laid there. "What are we gonna do?" I asked again.
Frankie shrugged her shoulders.

I started at the poorly painted ceiling and Carol tuned off the light. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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