Death Wish

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"Mother can you tell us a story," said my two children Joceyln and Jace. I smiled at them and said "I dont know if you can handle this next one. Its a story about our beloved town."

"Tell us please momma, we're old enough to hear it." They begged and pouted.

It was sadly true they were both about to turn 11 in the next few days and it was hard to believe that 11 years ago I had them.

"Ok this story is about fighting, love, and sacrafice," I said while lightly taping each of their noses, "now if you want me to stop just tell me when and I will."

"It all began when Marylyn and Jonathan were walking to the market....

Marylys POV

I walked in the small town with my beloved Jonathan. He was an amazing man who was always trying to please me but seeing as he was not really my beloved it was a hard thing to do. We walked to the theater it was small and it was at the corner of the street. I walked in without hesitation but I should not have done that. Inside were four men and I did not know any of them. The leader I'm guessing, said "we are not ready maybe it would be best if you waited outside dolly." I blushed and ran out embarrassed. Once out I leaned against the wall only to see Jonathan flirty with a young girl. He was ruining my day. Today was my 18th birthday and it was haywire.

I looked elsewhere besides Jonathan and then I started hearing singing inside the theater. I stiffened but slowly looked towards the theater. The men came out and the leaders eyes quickly locked on me. His eyes held an intense hear I couldn't describe and I suddenly had the urge to- no I can't think like that.

The leader of the group came up to me with the others behind him, "hello, my name is Anthony"

"I'm Marylyn."

"Would you mind walking to the town square with me?" Anthony asked his voice shaking a bit. I nodded my head unable to speak. We walked the cobble stoned streets leaving Jonathan and we reached the wall that led inside that led me to the square. Something stirred within me and a lady came up to me. 

"You can't control the power darling, you are losing control"

I started shaking knowing what she was talking about but Anthony not know what was occurring pushed the lady and told her to hush up. I pulled Anthony to the side, still shaking, "Anthony I have no control in what's going to happen, I wish I could stop it. I'm turning 18 today and my powers have come and I can't control them." I start crying as I feel the popping noise in my back and as I start to see black dots. I run away from Anthony scared that I'll hurt him and run into the town square. It's beautiful and I'm going to destroy it. My powers control me and I see blackness but I hear the scream of the people and all I can say is I'm sorry.

I was being dragged up into the sky and I could not help but look down at my body. I did not want to leave earth but if my almighty God deemed it so then I guess it was time to leave. I let a small tear fall from my eye and I said goodbye to Anthony and I said goodbye to my dear friend Jonathan.

I could hear Anthony yelling at me to come back but it was too late. I was in God's hands now and I was now going to embrace it. The first person I saw were my family and that was enough to make me not want to go back.

I started noticing certain things about myself like how my dirty blonde hair changed to a brown color and how my bare back now had two big white wings sprouting from it. I flapped my wings with joy. Maybe it was better off here but I had a feeling that I would be back to earth soon. Very soon.


So I woke up this morning having this in my dream! It was amazing and I was so amazed and into my dream that I have decided to write it down. I wrote down 3 chapters so far but I wanna see what people think about it first. (: Hope you enjoy! Critisim is welcome, but I do not tolerate disrespectfulness. 

Lots of love, Erieymee

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