Chapter 1: Part: 1: The Beginning

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2017 July Authors note: this book is dedicated to my Memere's dog Alyx, I love her so much and she grew up around me. She is now 10 years old. Every 5 parts will be one chapter
Part 1:

I wake up, smiled with the sun. I sit up and turn my body to the side, then lift myself off my bed. I got dressed in a very dark green, long, flowing dress and a silver headband. I had crazy bed head and it hurt to brush through my long dark brown to chestnut wavy hair. I rushed down stairs and into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I brushed my teeth thoroughly and carefully, before washing my face with plain water. I stare in the mirror peering into the soul of my own insanely bright but beautiful green eyes.

I walk out of my bathroom and begin to  make breakfast. I put cat food on a plate for my white cat Pearl, I put some dog food in a bowl for my beloved german shepherd. I gave my caramel colored rabbit Lily some carrots. I then put berries and other fruits on a platter for my three wyverns. Adara, Kai, and Abilene. Adara was red, Kai was grayish blue, and Abilene was the color of my eyes. I creep into my pets bedroom to wake them up. I slowly approach my dog Alyx as I gently shake her to get up. "Wake up, it's time for breakfast." I knew everyone was already up because they could hear me putting out food. Yet they all clearly wanted more sleep. Next I did it to Pearl, then Lily and my three wyverns. "Come on! It's time to wake up!" They finally started getting up and walked into the kitchen, as they ate their food I scrambled eggs for myself and ate those.

"We're kind of running low on our veggies and the vegetable and fruit garden look ripe and ready to be harvested." I look at my beautiful friends to see if I should wait a couple more days or not. "Alright I agree, but don't forget to feed the horses." Pearl always made sure I did my chores even though she had nothing to worry about. "How could I forget?" I get up out of my chair and walk out the door then head for the horse stables. Every morning felt like I was doing a thousand things at once.

I grab some hay from the hay bales and feed my three horses a pile of hay. First my light brown horse named Caramel. Then my dark brown horse named Brownie. Third I feed my black one with white spots named Night. I owned a lot of pets that served a very important role. I've lived with nature for my entire life.

Once I finished feeding my horses at the side of my house. I went to my garden with strawberries, blueberries, grapes, kiwi, pineapple, and bananas. Next to it there were potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes (even though tomatoes are fruit), lettuce, and celery. Then growing on trees there were peaches, oranges, apples, lemons, limes, apricot, cherries, and pears. I picked the trees and the berries. I would pick the veggies tomorrows. I scurried back inside and put the food away. As I was putting the food away I heard a Knock no one heard it so I took matters into my own hands.

It was a formal patterned knock. I walk slowly, no one knew who I was. It could have been anyone. I kept my sword by the door just in case of emergancy I open it to reveal a boy around my age. His aura, his face. Too familiar. He was in a guard suit, his brown hair messy because of his helmet. His eyes were dark, in some lighting they might look black. "I was sent here by Lord Felicity, of Village Sunset Valley. Someone saw your house and saw suspicious activity." There was another guard behind him that nodded. The second guard behind him was most likely the second in command. He had grayish-blue eyes and light brown hair. "O-oh! You have nothing to worry about please leave." I try closing the door but the guard stops me. "The town witch says she senses great power in this house."

I push the guard away and slam the door. I lock all the doors and windows as well as pulling all the blinds down. Everyone was staring at me Adara, Kai, Abilene, Alyx, Pearl, Lily, everyone.

I walk up to my room without a word and sit on my bed. I didn't care about not putting the food away or danger, It was that guys aura. It was so familiar. Then it hit me, Sunset Valley that was the key. That was the village where I left Airon.
Was it really him? It had to be. I didn't question it i realize it had gotten dark and decided to sleep. The peaceful darkness consumed me as my eye lids fluttered shut.

I woke up once again, except  i heard a knock. The same knock from yesterday.  I felt my face turn red from fury. Can't they just leave a girl alone? I walk downstairs still in my pajamas. I get out a bowl as loud as i can and slam it against the counter. I want them to know I was ignoring them and I wasn't asleep. "Miss! Please answer the door!" Why did they care anyways? I make some oatmeal and sit down. When I was finished they were still knocking, how persistent are they? I go upstairs and get dressed, I put on a short light green sundress with a dark green cloak. I had to get the veggies anyway. I grab a basket and walk out the door. I then push past the guards easily.

I walk to the back of the house and I hear the two men follow me. I bend down on one knee and start picking a couple veggies. "Miss-" before probable Airon can finish I reply. "Why do you care, and stop calling me 'Miss' my name is Rose." I grumble as I continue to the next plant and begin picking. "Alright, well, Felicity wants to see you because the town witch senses a magical aura near you." The hot headed Presumably second in command replies. "Ugh, well tell him to buzz off." Normally I wasn't like this but these guys were starting to piss me off.

"Actually, does your name happen to be Airon spelt with an I?" I never looked away from the lettuce and tomatoes but i could tell they were slightly shocked. "Ye-yes" the dark haired man managed to blurt out. "I'll think it over." By the time i had finished talking i had picked all the plants. I stand up angrily and turn to them. "Now, leave" I say sternly and I walk back inside.
I pulled the veggies out  one by one washing them carefully. After that I finished putting the food from yesterday away.

I decided to go because of Airon. I grab a couple of extra outfits for the journey. "Where do you think you are going?!" I was about to leave when I'm stopped dead in my tracks by pearl. "Sunset Valley." When I finished packing I walked back to my bathroom brush my teeth, hair and go to bed.

I got up earlier than Usual  as I had to leave for Sunset Valley. I put on another green sundress but this time it was a medium light green and had white lace along the edges of the dress with the same very dark green cloak. I get my wyverns Adara, Kai, and Lily the usual fruit as I feed Alyx and Pearl their regulars. I walk outside and to the stables and feed my horses. Once again I was interrupted by Airon and second in command.  "Are you coming?" The second in command bugs. "Yes, and if you do not mind me asking, where have you been sleeping? I believe you have been here for two days." I turn around to face them. Airon points over to a stack of hay bales and chuckles" I sigh and go back inside and check my suit case for everything I needed. Then I had over easy eggs and some bacon.

Once I was done eating I grab my things and use my magic to hold all six of my companions in an orb that I gently place in my suitcase till closing it and heading for the door. Before opening it I could hear Pearl saying something. "What are you thinking?" I pause for a moment and telepathically reply 'I'm not a child anymore, I can fend for myself. I want to see the world I never could see.' After replying to Pearl, I continue out the door. "Airon," after saying that his head shot up. "Yes?" He takes a step closer. "You use Night, I can tell she likes you." After replying to his question he walks over to Night. Opens the stable, and mounts her." You," I point over to Mr. what ever the hell his name is. His head shoots up to look at me. "Take Caramel, She suits you." When I talked to Mr. what ever the hell his name is I made sure I sounded less friendly to show how I hate his guts. "I'll Take Brownie!" Once we were all on my horses we start heading towards the village.

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