1. Meeting Mason

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A/n: the above image is what Pluto looks like. Also  this is a reminder that this fan fiction is a joke. We have written this for fun purposefully trying to make this fic bad and cringey. I promise you this fic will take you through every single typical fan fic moments. All spelling and grammar issues are on purpose.
Thank you, and have fun reading -liz (twitter: @summerhighdaily)

I should probably introduce myself: I'm 18 years old and have long silver hair. I like music and reading. I just graduated from high school and now I'm spending the summer in Pittsburgh. Oh I almost forgot, My name is Pluto. There are nights where I wonder if my parents gave me that name because they knew how isolated I would be. Just like the lone planet, no one loves me. I'm casted away and declared not same. Maybe that's what my mom was trying to say before the accident, I'm different.

I pull on my ugg boots and slip on my Victoria Pink sweatshirt as I walk towards the door. Leggings clad tightly to my body creating the perfect figure. One of the most important things in life is to take pride in your appearance. My motto is down dress up for anyone but yourself. Other girls aren't like that though.

My head leans against the cold glass of the bus window. Music fills my ears and warms my senses. The lyrics fill my soul and nearly bring tears to my eyes. No one else would understand music with true meaning. What I listen to is edgy and cut throat, true music which challenges social norms.

"What are you listening to?"

I look up at the girl sitting next to me. With a small sigh I tell her, "What Makes You Beautiful. It's by this band called One Direction, I doubt you'd know it."

"I love One Direction! Their album Four was so transcending. You could really hear the departure from their old style into a more mature sound. It really captures the laissez faire emotion one might experience when feeling helpless in a one sided relationship. It's a true testament to the band's ability. Four really shows that One Direction is a serious band."

I scoff, standing up and pushing past the girl. "Fake fan," I mumble under my breath.

Once I get off the bus, I can see my destination on the street corner. Starbucks is just 300 feet away. I jog up to the store, fixing the dad hat on my head. It's so warm in here, truly my favorite place. They are the only one who can make my favorite drink correctly. I don't blame the other coffee shops, I have a very strange and particular order.

When it's my turn I tell the lady that I would like a Tall Pumpkin Spice Latte. She begins to make my drink as the guy behind me orders.

The brown hair boy turns around with a smile. I scan over his body. He is wearing a black and white baseball tee and ripped black skinny jeans. The brown locks swoop across his forehead as her nervously fixes it with the tips of his fingers. He was utterly beautiful.

The barista hands him his cup, my eyes scanning over the name Mason, with a little PS scribbled next to it. Pumpkin Spice.


There's no way he ordered the same thing as me. No one, and I mean no one, likes Pumpkin Spice.

I can't take my eyes off him but alas, I must. I turn around slowly as I walk away, not wanting to take my eyes off the beautifully smol cherub.

My body suddenly crashes into something. I let out an ear piercing scream as hot liquid is spilled down my body. These clothes are brand new!

"Oh geez I'm so sorry!"

I turn and glare at the boy with the Canadian accent. I am so angers. The coffee is so hot and is burning my skin. ow!

"My day is ruined," I cry out. "My clothes are ruined and now I don't even have my coffee. How am I supposed to function?!"

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