The beginning

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The new beginning
Narrator: Tabitha was always happy in Dallas, Texas. She had friends,she had a good education, and she had straight A's, but then she had to move to Washington. It didn't work out for her because of how the school was. It just was so small she wasn't interested. She met this girl named Avalon and she was nice and she showed her around the school,but after that they didn't talk. She was alone and no one talked to her. But then she met Alexia she invited her in a game of tag and she accepted.

Alexia: Hey do you want to play tag.
Tabitha: Sure that sounds like fun.
Alexia's friends(5 of them): Hello

Narrator: At first one didn't like Tabitha her name was Marry. She thought Tabitha was going to take away Liz, but she only wanted to be friends with everyone. It was not like she noticed. She didn't see people's emotions or thoughts. Back to the story, she did not like the math teacher Mr. Panda because he always called her out instead of anyone else. So one day She finally talk to Ivy and they got a long for awhile and she did great in my other classes. One day in 10th grade Ivy slapped her right in the face because She scared her lesbian lover Samantha. Samantha was surprised that Ivy would do that and walked away from her. Then when Tabitha got home me and Ivy got in a war of texting.

Ivy: Don't you ever scare Samantha like that.
Tabitha:I do it all the time it's are thing.
Ivy: I don't care if it's "your thing" if you do it again I'll kill you
Tabitha: Wow that's so scary. What did I do to make you all mad.
Ivy: You have mentally and physically abused me
Tabitha: Ok it was one time and the other was an accident
Ivy: Really that's not true is it. You did it on purpose I know you and how you are.
Tabitha: How I am!What's that supposed to mean? That I do things different from you and that I don't want to be left out like I usually am.
Ivy: It's not my fault that you are as dumb as you look.
Tabitha: AS DUMB AS I LOOK!!! Do you really want to go there?
Ivy: I didn't say anything wrong if it's true.
Tabitha: First of all I'm pretty sure that you are trying to get me angry and cuss you out. You always do this. Second as long as I'm smart looks don't matter, but in your case it does because last time I check you have failing grade as I have straight A's.
Ivy: For your information I have all D's and one F. So of course the drama queens going to make up my grades.
Tabitha:I'm not making up your grade and threaten me again like you did and see what happens.
Ivy: What you going to do call your mommy
Tabitha: No, you better keep your word and do it or I and everyone else will know your all bark and no bite. Wait everyone already knows, but I'll tell them that you slept with a teacher.
Ivy: Yeah right. Like you would do that.
Tabitha: Ok then try me.
Ivy: Like you scare me.

Tabitha's thoughts: The next day Tabitha was at lunch and was still angry how she tried threatening her so it was time she show what she was threatening.

Tabitha:Hey Ivy you still wanna kill me
Ivy: (in an sassy voice) I have no clue what you mean
Tabitha: oh really wanna play dumb?
Ivy: I am not playing dumb

"Tabitha grabs Ivy by the shirt and picks her up"

Tabitha: I said DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME!!!!! 
Ivy: (In a shaky voice) I..I'm n..not . SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
Tabitha: (whispering voice)Oh so do you want me to tell everyone and I mean everyone about what you have done?
Ivy: No please don't!

Narrator:Then Ivy slapped Tabitha with her nails in the face for "self defense"
So Tabitha dropped her hard on the ground and started to punch her in the face, but then two wimpy kids try to talk to her to get off, but she didn't care she wanted to hurt her until she understands who she's messing with. Then a jock tried getting her off with force so She scratch him in the face.

Jock: Oh no my beautiful face
Jock's friend#1: Cool it's going to leave a scar
Jock: It's not cool how am I going to get all the ladies now
Jock's friend#2: well you have that scar so you can say you were battling a bear while saving a puppy.
Jock friend#1:Or kittens

Narrator: While the jocks were talk about some nonsense She finally saw that the cops were coming so might as well get some good punches in. And if your wondering if she got suspended she didn't because she said it was self defense because she slapped me.As soon as lunch started Ivy came up to her.

Ivy:I..I..I'm sorry if I upset It's just that it's...its easier to talk to you on texting. Please just don't hurt me anymore. I get it your the boss and I should mess with you. Your a shark and I'm seaweed.
Tabitha: I think I'm not the only one you should be talking to
Samantha: You embarrassed me to my one and only friend Ivy. Why would you do that? Did you want me all to yourself or do you think that I'm that low to just go date someone else?
Ivy: No that's not it...
Samantha: That's not it is the best you can do? We are over
(The crowd gasp)
Tabitha:(hugs Samantha) It's ok Samantha. I'm sorry it had to end this way.
Ivy:Get your nasty hands off her(tries to slap off Tabitha's hand, but misses and slaps Samantha)
Samantha: You know what I was going to make sure that the fighting would stop, but I don't care anymore Tabitha if you want to give her a huge bruise go a head.
(Tabitha punches her right on her upper arm)
Ivy: Ow that hurt you know. My tan is going to be ruined because of a stupid bruise this really this sucks.
Tabitha:He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
Great liars are also great magicians.
Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.
Who says I am not under the special protection of God?
All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.
What luck for rulers that men do not think.
The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force.Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized.
The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.
As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice.
Strength lies not in defense but in attack.
Samantha: Did you just quote Adolfo Hitler?
Tabitha: Yeah why
Samantha:Wasn't he like evil?
Tabitha:Yes and no
Samantha: Why yes?
Tabitha:Well he did what he believed in and did do the request that parents wanted.
Samantha: well ok then we'll go with that.
Ivy: Hey Samantha can I borrow you for a sec
Samantha: Sorry I'm busy, but maybe later
Random guy: I hope this turns into a cat fight
Ivy: Get lost pal or do you want me to tell everyone you secret.
Radom guy:Ok I'm going(runs off stage past crowd)
Ivy: Ok I'll say it here I'm sorry for everything that I have done and I hope you will let me be your (sexy voice) lover.
Samantha: (pity voice) Yeah
Ivy: Really
Samantha:No! Seriously you need to move on. I have.
Ivy: So then who are you with?
Samantha: Why should I tell you?
Ivy:So you don't have anyone! (Whispers) yes
Samantha: Yes I do it''s Tabitha
Ivy: Tabitha! Why her?
Samantha: Because she knows how to treat me right.
Ivy: Oh really so if I talk to Tabitha she will say that you two are lovers and I have treated you right you just haven't noticed.
Tabitha: Am I chopped liver?!? I'm right here.
Ivy: Oh yeah! So are you to lovers?
Tabitha: Yes we are for your information.
Samantha: See I told you
Ivy:Ok prove it kiss
Tabitha:Just hold on she wants to take it slow so don't start making her do things she doesn't want to do.
Ivy: Wow! At she wanted to kiss me right away as she wants to take it slow with you. ha what a loser
Tabitha: At least we know how to take it slow as you don't
Samantha: Plus for your information I didn't want to kiss you. You wanted to kiss me. Get it through that little mind of yours.
Ivy: Uh sure it was 🤔and if I recall you guys were friends
Radom girl: You know it can happen to anyone right how dumb are you

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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