Textrovert's on a Plane

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So this won the challenge which is crazy. Thanks so much for the positive support! If you liked this or thought my writing was mildly standable, I am going to live out my high school dream of writing a corny teen romance novel and publishing it here. The first chapter of "Landing-Place" is up so that would be cool if you could check that out.
Thanks again!

-Michaela Isabel


As she sat there in the airport seating area, Keeley was debating whether or not she had time to go to the closest Starbucks to carter to her now grumbling stomach. She grabbed her phone to check the time: fifteen more minutes before she would have to line up for boarding. Keeley didn't drink from the popular coffee chain often, she'd rather grab a cup from her favorite local cafe, Java Hut, but she was pretty sure it would only take ten minutes to get her coffee. Then again, she didn't trust the lines at the LAX airport.

As she was having an inner debate about which was more crucial to her: sitting at the window seat or eating breakfast, one of the people sitting across from heard her food struggles.

"Here," he said and stretched out a bag and a coffee. Keeley looked up in surprise and gratitude to find the face that belonged to the stretched out hand was familiar.

"JT Harrington," she stated in a monotone voice. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Keeley Brewer," he responded. They sat there in silence for several seconds, sizing up the situation. Keeley's mind flashed to last summer at the faire. She was trying to figure out if the boy in front of her would be the pleasant one she met there when she was playing darts or the one her twin spent hours complaining about.

His eyes darted to the coffee and food before meeting hers again. He offered her a smile and moved his stretched hand out further to reinforce his original offer.

"It's fine," Keeley told him, moving to grab her purse and carry on so she could get in the Starbucks line but JT bet her to it, stopping her.

"Don't be dumb. It's really no problem," he told her shoving the drink and food into her hands. She immediately tried to give it back.

"What about you? I'm not prepared to take your breakfast from you," Keeley argued.

"Nah," he brushed her off, "I brought food in my bag and they fucked up my coffee order at the Starbucks so I had an extra cup anyways. See?" he leaned down and grabbed another cup. "I think you need this more than I do."

Keeley stopped fighting him and took at quick sip of the coffee and sighed. She hated being up this early in the morning but hated it even more without her coffee. She then dug into the paper bag and started taking bites out the toasty breakfast sandwich he gave her.

As she was enjoying the food, JT was staring at her and couldn't help the smile forming on his lips. Despite her original hesitation, Keeley was enjoying the Starbucks more than he thought was considered normal.

They sat down to finish eating without exchanging a word between them. Both of the two teenagers were clearly uncomfortable by each other's presence and there was this sense of uncertainty surrounding them.

Keeley finished the food too quickly, though. After she took her last bite she looked down at her phone: seven more minutes before boarding.

"Crap," Keeley thought, unsure if she should try to make conversation with the boy next to her or if she keep her mouth shut and occupy herself by reading a book on her phone. Luckily, JT made the decision for her.

"So, why are you at the airport this early in the morning?" he asked her awkwardly. Keeley looked up from her phone to stare at the burley football player. His legs were crossed and his spine was straight. He was clearly as uncomfortable with this situation as she was. It caused Keeley to smile a little bit.

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