HetaOni written in a script

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A/N: omg this is so terrible ... :( I really suck at this but this is my first story on here and im ashamed at how it turned out. Totally. Sucks....

Only a slight wind blew as Italy, Germany, Japan and Prussia walked up to an old house on a mountain.

Italy: "Vee~ Its really here."

Japan:" I thought it was just a rumor. I never thought we would actually find it..."

Prussia: "It has such a desolate feel. Not bad."

Germany: "I don't think its very interesting though."

Japan: "Ne neither. Cant we just look at it from the outside then go back?"

Italy: "Aww~ After all the trouble we had to find it? C'mon lets just go in for a little while."

Germany: "........"

No one said anything as the three walked inside.

Italy: "Its cleaner then I thought."

Germany: "H-hey. Can we go now?"

Prussia: "Whats the matter West? You scared?"

A smash is heard to the left of the building.

Germany: "L-look we should go now."

Japan: "Oh don't be silly. Its not like there are any ghosts or anything. Wheres your common sense?"

Japan goes to look at what made the sound.

Prussia: "Be careful Japan!"

Japan: "I know. I'll just go see what happened. I'll be right back."

Japan's P.O.V.

I walked down the hall where I came across a door. I walked up and tried to open it but it was locked so I kept walking. I continued walking to the room  I thought the sound came from. It was a kitchen. I walked up to a bench where there was a broken plate on the ground.

Japan: "The plate is... broken. I have to be careful not to hurt myself."

I picked up the ceramic shard.

There was another door to the back of the kitchen but that was locked as well. I walked back to the main entrance to find no one there.

Japan: "Did they leave after all? How regrettable."

I walked to the other side of the mansion looking for the others. There was another door however it was locked as well. Around the corner I saw a giant grey alien thing. I stayed clam. It walked into a door it was standing in front of.

Japan:"Wha... What was that just now? I ...maybe im getting tired."

I walked into another door. The room looked like a bathroom. I walked to a mirror but it was so dusty I could barely see my reflection. The only other thing in there was an ordinary toilet. I walked back outside. And walked up to the door that thing had entered. But it was locked... .I continued to the entrance again and walked straight ahead which lead to a type of Japanese room or a dojo. It had swords and armor everywhere. There was a box near some armor. There was a note inside it read "Fix the piano, Repair the toilet and leave the first aid kit in the drawer on the second floor. There was a door next to the one that lead back to the entrance however that was locked as well. I walked up the stairs. I walked to my left and there were two doors. The first one I went into was just an ordinary room but then I found Germanys whip on the bed,

Japan: "Is this not... Germanys whip? What is it doing in a place like this?"

I took it so I could give it back to Germany when I found him. I examined the room quickly before leaving. I checked the other door however it was locked as well. So I walked back across hall past the stairs which led to another unlocked door. In side it looked like an other ordinary room but there was a curtain in the back left corner. I backed away as Germany came out behind the curtain.

Japan:" G- Germany!"


Japan: "Germany where are the others?"

Germany: *shaking*

Japan: "... You look shaken. I'll go get you something to drink." 

I walked outside the room. I walked up the two more floors to find all the doors locked but there was a open room on the same floor Germany was on however there was nothing of use in it. I continued to walk down stairs to the bathroom.

Japan: "Maybe I can get water here. Ah thank god it doesn't seem to be broken."

I walked back up to the stairs and into the room Germany was in.

Japan: "Germany I brought you some water. Drink it and try to calm down a little. Here its not filtered water though..."

Germany: *drinks water*...Is that really water?"

Japan: "Judging by the colour... probably..."

Germany: "I see anyway sorry for falling apart like that. I feel much better now thanks to you."

Japan: "That's good to hear. So where are the others?"

Germany: "Im ...not sure. At any rate we ran for our lives... and those two went in different directions... I think. Sorry just give me a moment to pull myself together."

Japan: "Alright. I'll go look for those two. Try  to get some rest."

Germany: "Sorry... oh by the way I found this when I was running. Maybe it can be of some use to you?"

I took the key from Germany and walked outside. I walked downstairs to the room next to the kitchen that was locked. The key Germany gave me was the key to that door. It appeared to be a library. I walked around the room until I came to a table with lots of different things on it.

Japan: "Oh its an ordinary riceball"

I picked it up and walked back towards the door with a bad feeling in my stomach. Then out of no where the 'thing' came up and attacked me. I managed to beat it but still. Then another one appeared. I managed to beat that one too but then ANOTHER one appeared! Before it could attack me I ran to the door.

Japan: "The... the key. Oh no... I think I dropped it somewhere."

I searched all around the room but could not find it. Then I came across the key behind a whole lot of bookshelves that I hadn't even gone near. I just escaped from the thing and ran to the door, running out and locking it behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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