Typical (AFF Infinite Secret Santa 2013 Repost)

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It was a typical (and perhaps boring) high school where the students were divided into 3 classifications: the kingka’s and Queenka’s, the normal bunch and the brainy nerds and geeks. Nothing too unusual about the scene, where bullying has been very normal and the kids were probably too used to it to even complain. 

A student’s status was usually dictated upon stepping foot in the campus; where the popular kids decide if you belong to either one of the classification. For some, to be part of the normal bunch would be good, to be part of the popular kids would be nice and to be part of the nerdy bunch would be cruel. 

The line that demarcated high school has been there since the beginning of time, dating back to the Sung Kyung Kwan era that only the best can enter the best; only the rich can mingle with the rich. True to its sense, any high school was just like that, demarcated and classified. But just like in any typical story, somehow, the lines bend and break.

For a kid who grew up with a step father and two step brothers, he learned to keep himself invincible. Not that his stepfather was cruel or anything, he’s just not into his siblings. Sure the taller brother would be sweet and all, but the maknae was sure a pain in butt. 

His name was Kim Sunggyu, and he was one of the nerds at school (but a nerd girls drool at). His father died when he was a year old, died fighting for his mother land, and forced his mother to remarry to keep him alive. He had two half brothers, a tall choding looking lad by the name Lee Sungyeol and a brat named Lee Sungjong. He loved his brothers, and it was a genuine brotherly kind but Sungjong wasn’t the ecstatic type. He looked at Sunggyu with disgust but loved their mom with all his heart. Sunggyu just sighed as he took in the younger’s words: ‘You are not my brother, we are not even related.’

In their own home, the demarcation was visible: Sungjong was a Kingka, Sungyeol belongs to the normal group while Sunggyu just associated himself with the nerds. He was okay with it (not that he wanted it), because he had a less stressful life all in all with this set up.


Seated on one of the school benches, Sunggyu was reading his notes when a boy his age sat beside him. He did not spare him a glance because he knew who the person was. “Hey Gyu, anything new?” the lad spoke and he shook his head.

“So Onew what’s the news then?” Sunggyu replied and the boy adjusted his spectacles and smiled at him.

“Christmas Theater, everyone’s excited to watch the popular kids perform.” Onew said, taking out his text book and read away.

“Yeah everyone but me.” Sunggyu replied as he returned to his notes. “… And me.” Onew added. 

A Christmas theater? 

Typical right?

It’s an annual event given by the glee and music club to showcase their members’ talents. It’s actually fun to watch if you remove the loud screaming fangirls. Year after year, the presentation gets bigger and better, adding in vocalists, dancers and actors that were just as good as their claims. 

Myungsoo was one of those members whose talent in acting was to be showcased. A kingka for his looks and piercing stare, Myungsoo had always been popular with the ladies. He walked inside the school auditorium and smiled at their director before sitting next to the other casts. 

A head count was made; the four Kingka’s were present for the rehearsal. Aside from the actor Myungsoo, the balladeer Woohyun, dancer Howon and the self proclaimed Diva Sungjong was present. The director called out a member of the audience and introduced him as Jonghyun, a talented lyricist from class 2, same class as Woohyun. “Jonghyun’s made the lyrics for our Christmas Theater and it’s just fantastic.” The director exclaimed which made the four Kingka’s roll their eyes. It’s true though, Woohyun loved Jonghyun’s lyrics and wished he could also write something decent; and he did ended up writing a lyric but it was cheesy and greasy unlike Jonghyun’s passionate and heartfelt ones.

The director then introduced Key, their stylist. His hair was dyed blonde with streaks of pink and blue; he stared at the four kingka’s then sighed. “They’re boring.” Key dismissed, earning a scowl from Sungjong.

Typical (AFF Infinite Secret Santa 2013 Repost)Where stories live. Discover now