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Her skin was ashen, voice hoarse. She crawled within a corner as if it would protect her from what was coming. The maniacal laughter rang through the corridors of the complex, sending nothing but fear through her body. The mad man called her name as if it was special, like she was a prophecy in need of protection. The powerless girl whimpered softly, something that would never be the same for her if she survived.

Then deafening silence fell, she held her breath. He could be anywhere. Her breathing became frantic as ideas and images of her death flashed through her mind, ideas of where he could be. With heightened senses, she attempted to hear where the crazed man was. She sat in silence for what felt like decades, then decided to move.

She crept alongside the walls in the dark, praying to God he couldn't see her. As she moved further away from her corner, she heard a noise. Fear took over her body. Tap, tap, tap. Panic oozed into her mind. Clink, clink, clink. Her body trembling, her knees giving out, she knew he was close.

The girl hugged the wall, hoping she was transparent to it. The sound grew louder, closer she was petrified with fear. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Ramona, I expected you to understand this game better than most people!" He yelled, Ramona trembling with fear, then he began to sing. A sound she hated with the fibers that created her, an activity she could love to hate.

"Maybe I should let her go," he began, "but not until she loves me!" The voice rising, aggression became him. "Oh, how can I just let her go? She knows too fucking much!" The shouts echoed closely as the adrenaline raced through her veins, so much so it could've revived a dead soul. As she stuck to the wall her hands guided as she crept alongside it, not watching her feet. A sudden and loud clang has echoed through the building. The sudden adrenaline froze, her blood ran like ice.

"Now I've fucking got you." He whispered to himself, raising the weapon so not to create a single noise. The sudden radio silence filled the space, anxiety brewed as the sickening feeling returned. The moonlit room pained the eyes of the prey, the predator knowing every inch. She gazed in every direction, attempting to focus only to be met with ideas from her imagination.

"Fuck, come on get it together! Get it together! It isn't real!" She shouted to herself in a whisper, a smirk crept on his face.

"Are you sure about that, my love?" A small chuckle exited his body as she looked into his eyes. The fear that once motivated her became a paralytic, and the adrenaline coursing through her body became molasses.

He raised the weapon above his head, time had slowed and ceased to work in the favor of the prey. It swung like a crowbar and stuck like a thumbtack, a sudden warmth came over her cold body. Thoughts seemed to slow within her, words became difficult to form until all manners seemed to cease.

The man gazed upon the beauty in front of him, the blood slowly streaming down her face, he tilted his head only slightly as if to analyze his work.

"My sweet darling girl, I thought you were different than the rest."  He began, his tone calm and slow, "But I was wrong, so it may seem, it turns out you're just as much of a dumb bitch as the fucking rest of the corpses rotting in my yard." His voice remained stern, he caressed the young girls face, the light and fear in her eyes slowly fading as the blood ran through his fingers.

A small thud echoed in the room as her body dropped, her eyes meeting his.

A sigh left the mans body, hands on his hips he leaned back and chuckled lightly. Brushing his hand over his face and into his hair, he shook his head. "It seems like yer getting better every time, maybe I could actually take pride in ya for something." a low voice spoke out, the mans posture had returned to its upright position. The body on the floor jerked slightly, her eyes still looking into his. He shook his head, "No, I'm just coming down from the chase that's all. We're fine." the assuring words forced, a small laugh to ease the mind.

"Is that such the case, boy? I mean, you should be takin pride in yer work! Look at the hell you've raised, this is girl what? Seventeen? Yer really startin to rack 'em up, kiddo." A hand fell on his shoulder, glancing at the hand he noticed blood. Slowly, he turned and the sight made his blood run cold, the girl was speaking to him, as if possessed by something that wouldn't allow the dead to die. The voice felt familiar, like an itch you just couldn't scratch.

"What'sa matter, boy? Cat got yer tongue?" The voice laughed as a smile crept onto the once-dead girls face. The man closed his eyes for a moment, was it an attempt to ground himself? Or to wake from a dream that seemed never ending? "I've done my part, now why the hell can't you stay away?!" He shouted, swinging the weapon behind him as if to get rid of the voice for good. Only, that wasn't the case. As he opened his eyes, he found everything as it had once been, completely undisturbed. The girl remained as nature intended, her eyes still gazing upon him.

He felt relieved in a way, as if the voice that once was had finally disappeared for good. The man continued to carry out his finishing actions, cleaning the blood with particular chemicals and solutions for he knew too well what the police used for detection. He swept and picked up any form of biological DNA.

Lastly, he took the body to his car and set her in his trunk. His eyes falling upon her body, face and hair. Examining each and every aspect and detail, from the softness of her skin and lips, to the small curves in her hips and the fading dye in her hair. He did this for a few moments, then shut the trunk where sunlight would never touch the honey coloured skin again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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