Prologue- Red Mist Mountains

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| July 18, 2006 |

The sirens clamored raucously. The sound reverberated through the valley and up the mountains where the small facility was located. It disturbed the peaceful night. Alarming the animals surrounding.

The staff stirred in a panic inside the building. Captains ordered their small squads. Small forces gathering and splitting up. Searching. They searched and searched desperately. Captain Brady made his way to the front gates with his men as the teams continued to search.

"Private Miller, do you copy?!" he screamed into his radio. "Subject one has escaped. Have you secured the perimeter yet?!"

There was still no answer for the millionth time.

"Private, do you copy?!"

The group continued to the gates. Weapons in hand, and gear on.

"Answer me goddammit!"

His heart pounded furiously in his chest. This wouldn't go over well for him with the military. This bitch is going to screw it all up for me. He thought to himself. He'd worked so hard for his promotion. But, tonight, it was not going to matter anymore.

He punched angrily at the button that opened the front doors to the lab. They opened automatically, sliding away to reveal the dark night beyond them. The gate was only fifty meters from the lab. Normally, it was shut, and heavily guarded on both sides. But, now, it stood wide open. And not a soul surrounded it. An ominous red mist blanketed the ground before them. They did not need to worry of it. It was harmless.

They all stood at the door peering out to the lonely scene before them.

"Captain Hesse's squad. Meet me out at the front gate. We may need backup," he spoke into his radio.

"Roger that, Brady."

Silently, Brady's team made their way to the front gate. They crept up slowly, weapons ready and their night vision ready as well.

As they continued to approach the perimeter, the figures were almost upon them. They were crumpled on the ground, disfigured and unmoving.

"Night vision on," Brady commanded.

They all switched to night vision and almost instantly, the Captain's hand went up to stop them. He looked down, his night vision picking up the figures on the ground. His heart beat picked up again. They all became rigid.


"Yes, sir."

"Go check that out."

"Of course, sir."

The soldier moved forward stealthily. His body trembled beneath his uniform. Something like this never happened. The lab never failed like this. He never wanted to see anything like this. He stood in front of the figure now. Taking a deep breath, he looked down. It was still a bit unclear to him. He knelt and reached down, extending his arm to touch it. He pushed it over carefully.

He fell back onto the ground in shock and disgust. His stomach turned at the sight.

The figure was a body. Private Wilson. His body was missing and arm. Blood soaked his uniform. His eyes still wide open, though he'd been dead for almost an hour now. His lower jaw was missing. Torn from his face from the very beast that escaped the facility.

The Captain rushed over. "On your feet!" he growled before looking to the body himself.

A sense of disappointment and anger washed over him. The sight leaving him sick as well. He looked away, back to his squad. "We need to keep moving. She could be close and she's dangerous. Here's your example. So be cautious."

Beyond the Red Mist (VIXX)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora