First Step on a Slippery Slope - 20th August, Year 17

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Hello everyone :)

As said in the description, this is a collection of stories about Simon Falton, a young navy captain with his first command. The story takes place in the One Piece universe, but it does not take place at the same time as the Manga or Anime. I won't specify the time, but no known characters will show, so besides the universe etc., which belongs only to Eichiro Oda, the described characters are original. They might meet descendant of known characters, but not necessarily.

Because I am not a native English speaker I will require your help to find every mistake I undoubtly make. Be free to point out everything you notice :)

In the name of each chapter will be a date, the year will state the time since Faltons first command. So, Year 1 will be the first year of his command. It won't necessarily be chronological, but it follows a pattern, so there is a reason for jumping between the years.

Enough words, please enjoy the first teaser of Simon Faltons Adventures :)



"What you're trying to do is going to get you killed, at best. But it's more realistic that you will be captured and tortured extent everything you can possibly imagine.

This whole operation is nonsense, and you do know it. You can't possibly expect to succeed!"

She looked at him critically and raised an eyebrow. That was the exact attitude he always hated on her but beside all his pride he knew, that she was right. But this was not about what was right or wrong, what was realistic or idiotic. It was simply the only thing he could do to save these people, the crew that has been entrusted to him. He would guarantee their safety no matter the costs.

"Your remark has been noted and ignored.", he said. He stepped across the room and took his sword while Levan moved beside him. "Captain, I must insist that you reconsider!"

"You insist? Last time I checked you were my counselor and not my commanding officer."
"And as counselor it is my duty to inform you of the suicidal nature of your mission."
Suddenly he stopped, turned around and his face was just centimeters away from hers.
"And what do you suggest, Levan? Leaving this place in hope of escape? Our chances of survival are almost zero and I don't intent to let this crew pay for my failure."

"So this is about your injured pride? You don't have to proof anything to anyone!"

"It's not about my pride. This is the only thing I can do to save these people. There is no alternative and if you are NOT willing to follow my orders I will personally throw you into the brig!"

He did not raise his voice, nevertheless she felt like she has been slapped. They always had their differences but they always respected the others opinion and he had never threatened her.

"I see that you are beyond any logical reasoning. You're willingly throwing yourself into an unnecessary danger. Our chances of survival are a lot higher than the chance of rescuing the away team. It is a pity, but your loyalty and responsibility also lies with the people on this ship and you're putting them in danger, too."

He shook his head in disbelief while he made a step away from her.

"You can ask anyone on this ship and every single one of them will tell you that they are willingly risking their lives for their comrades. If you can't understand this then you can apply for a transfer as soon as we are back at HQ." He turned around and followed the hallway to the deck, Levan behind him. They stepped outside and the weather hadn't cleared. They still couldn't see more than a few hundred meters, but Falton knew that their enemies would be out there. His commanding officers already assembled at the skiff and Lavon and he joined them. The atmosphere was tense and he knew from their eyes that Cas had been informing them of the message.

"You know I'm not a man of great words so we make this quick: you know what Chaltron demands in exchange for our crewmen and I do intent to give it to him.", he said and seconds later Cas stepped to his side.

"We know this but we won't let you do it alone.", he said but his captain shook his head.
"You will. I won't take anybody with me."

"Okay, then tell us the rescue plan."

There was, for a short while, an image of pain on the captains' face, but nobody except Levan seem to have noticed. Cas looked at him with disbelief.

"You can't me serious! This is madness!"

"I already mentioned this to the captain but he insists of doing so.", Levan spoke with her normal emotionless voice. As usual she ignored the furious looks of her fellow officers and Falton was relieved that she regained her countenance. He needed her.

"That is right and I won't dispute this with any of you." He cut of their objections and fixated every single one of them with a penetrating look. "My job as captain is to ensure the safety of my crew and I will live up to this responsibility. I will give Chaltron what he wants and even though I expect him to keep his part of the deal I don't think he will let us off the hook this easily. Your mission, Gentlemen, is to maneuver our poor "Medina" through this fog and into safety after the others are on board. You must take precautions. Jackson, choose ten of our best swimmers for a stealth mission. They will take explosives and swimming decoys with them and install them in a 200m radius around the ship. A rope should be wrapped around them so you can pull them onto the ship. The men will disguise the explosives otherwise it's useless. But with the damage "Medina" has been taken I believe our enemy will not be suspicious of some debris in the water. Cas, it is your job to take our best snipers to ignite them when the enemy is near. If it works we can damage some of their ships and if not they at least can't see for a while.

"Understood.", they said simultaneously but nobody seemed happy about their orders and he couldn't blame them.

"All right. Lieutenant Levan.", he turned to her. "You are in charge." A murmur went through the others but Falton focused his attention on her. She answered his look with steady eyes. "See this crew to safety and don't sink my ship!"

"Aye, Captain."

He gave her a short smile and then boarded the skiff.


skiff = rowboat (don't know if it is a common word)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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