Sloppy Paradise

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White porcelain shines and glistens in bright light in a washroom built for royalty or so you would think. A gentle stream of water licks the smooth sink bottom as Jeffery gives his hands a final rinse. Satisfied, Jeffery dries his hands and removes ten distinct rings of gold, silver and platinum from his pocket and returns them to their appropriate fingers. He runs his tongue across his pearly whites, checks his suit jacket for folds and runs his hand through his thick hair. Jeffery nods to his reflection, turns and exits the large public washroom.

Sure as a lion strolling across grassy plains, Jeffery makes his way through a massive casino games room. This is where the high rollers come to play. Jeffery chuckles to himself as he takes in the room. Poor suckers, Jeffery thinks to himself. Why spend so much time playing a game you're likely to lose? Jeffery plays big himself but he plays to win. Casinos are fleeting - industry and finance are forever.

 Jeffery leaves the “carnival” behind him as he enters a broad hallway. The end of the hall gives way to large double doors with security guards posted at each side. Behind those doors is the very thing Jeffery came for. He approaches the guard to his right, reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out an invitation. The Guard nods and opens the door. Jeffery's eyes grow wide as the room comes into view.

 The 44-year-old financial executive and investor looks around like a wide-eyed child, at the marvels that await him. The Executive Ballroom is the pride of “Jodie's Palace” Casino and Hotel. Jeffery spots his favourite movie stars dressed to the nines in their designer gowns and suits. Coloured lights paint the opulent ballroom. A stage is set up with a band rocking out. Long tables are dressed with a spread of appetizers, salads, and four slow-roasted pigs.

 Jeffery has been eagerly awaiting this event, his first invitation to a big budget film wrap party. Jeffery had recently invested in his first film venture himself. A low-budget espionage thriller titled “Severed Allegiance”, which fared better at the box office than even Jeffery expected. This party is different though. This is Hollywood. The poor boy is nervous for once.

 He breathes in deep. A server – dressed as a backyard barbecuer – offers Jeffery a tray of “pigs in a blanket”, Jeffery without thought snatches one up and pops it in his mouth. It's smokey... too smokey. Jeffery coughs and gags. Laughter stings his ears followed by an energetic voice. “You look in need of a drink”. Jeffery turns his gaze on the voice. His eyes fall on a stunning woman in her mid-thirties. Her long blonde hair dangles below her shoulders in wild curls. Her skin-tight dress – both alluring and classy – hugs her curves like a koala bear hugs a tree branch. Jeffery's face begins to redden as he attempts words.

 The woman forces a shot glass in Jeffery's face, he waves his hand in protest but she ignores him. “Drink it buddy, trust me on this.” she insists. Jeffery lowers his hand as the stranger holds the glass up to his mouth and helps him shoot it back. It burns.

 Jeffery reacts “Ack, holy shit, ahh. This is whiskey. I'm choking not...”

 She interrupts “Really? Choking? Ha ha, you sound fine to me.” Surprised, Jeffery rubs his neck. Amused, she replies “Whiskey, nothing it can't clear. I'm Margret”. She extends her hand in welcome; Jeffery takes her hand in his.

 “Hm, amazing. My appreciation.” says Jeffery. Margret grins as she fist-bumps Jeffery on the shoulder.

 The music intensifies as the band cracks out the jug and banjo. Margret has lured Jeffery out onto the dance floor where she busts-a-move, poor Jeffery struggles to keep up. Jeffery yells over the music “You're good, dance background?”

 Margret replies “I've picked up a move or two here and there. Nothing formal.”

 Jeffery chuckles, “Nice.”

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