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Bloom where you are planted. 

Seems like a daunting task, doesn't it? 

Questions for thought: Where has God put you? Why? What have you done with what He's given you? What will you do with what He's given you? How? 

Some words of wisdom, which may be familiar to you: "Your life is God's gift to you. What you do with your life is your gift to God." -Hans Urs von Balthasar


God put you in the time and place that you are for a reason. Think of your life as a story and you are the main character. Every story needs a setting.                                                                                                   Ok. Now you've been planted. But before you even think about blooming, you must first spread your roots. (Always have to spread your wings before you fly, right?) 

God is your sunlight, always shining down on you. In the same way plants grow upward to reach the sun, we also strive to grow closer to God. Your family, friends, other peers, opportunities, and experiences are your water. Soak in all that sunlight and water. Grow. 

We come back again to setting. Where you are planted determines how much water you receive. That in turn, determines what "plant" you become. We've all been planted in different locations, so we are all unique. Just as plants come in all shapes, sizes, and colors depending on how they adapted to where they came from. Such is also how a person grows. 

Take all that water and sunlight you've been given. Turn it into your energy, your motivation, your purpose for living. 

A plant uses its energy for diverse purposes. Let these become your talents and skills, your hobbies and interests, your strengths and weaknesses. This forms the bud of your blossom. 

Now you are are ready to bloom.                                                                                                                                 Your personality unfurls, revealed to the world as a beautiful blossom. 

Remember, you choose what it looks like to others.                                                                                             Be creative. Be expressive. Be passionate. Be everything God created you to be. 


 I hope you enjoyed the metaphor I used, as well as the insight. If you liked this, I encourage you to create your own metaphor for a well-known quote or phrase. Let me know your thoughts, comments, and concerns. 

Bloom Where You Are PlantedWhere stories live. Discover now