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My door slammed and made a thunder like sound as my mom ran into my room screaming, "Castor! You better wake up! School starts in 30 minutes," 

I shot out of bed and ran to the shower, straight past my Grandma who was screaming at me in old Greek. When the water finally got hot, I jumped in. The air smelled of breakfast as I ran to my room to get dressed with 19 minutes left on the clock before I ended up being late. I threw on my favourite U.K flag shirt and jeans, grabbing my iPhone and bag, running out of my room with a hairbrush.

"Antio Mom! I love you," I yelled as I ran out of the door to where my blue Ford Focus was parked in the garage. The bright Athens' sun shined down on my face as I pedaled down Plaka road, passing my neighbors. The air smelled of the sea water as I drove past the town square that was already beginning to fill with tourists with it being so close to summer. My school came into view as I neared closer to the place I dreaded most. I practically drifted into my parking spot as I ran into the main entrance of the school to my homeroom.

Every eye flew upon me as I walked in struggling for breath. I sat down as the bell rang and got up to walk to first period. Girls around me were circling around gossiping about who did this or what Ada wore last week and how horrid it looked. I walked through the hall with my head down, just trying to get to class. I could smell the gross American cologne called Axe around me, signalling the arrival of the "preps" as I call them. 

My seat was near the window that overlooked the ocean, where I would mindlessly gaze at boats and fish during the lecture. The principal walked in the doors with a big, hearty smile and short, skinny boy in tow.

"Hello class, we have a new student joining us today. Please welcome James," The new boy had tan skin, dark colored hair and emerald green eyes.

"James, you can go sit with Castor by the window," My teacher said, pointing at me. I nervously waved and smiled. The dark haired boy smiled back and walked towards the seat. James sat silently through first period, randomly looking over at me during the class. While we were packing up, I noticed his schedule.

"Well, we seem to have a lot of classes together," I said to James as we were leaving. He seemed surprised that I was talking to him and smiled at me.

"Well maybe you can show me around and make sure I don't get lost," He said laughing. We walked out of the classroom to chemistry. James would smile whenever we would talk, which made me happy given as many people do not enjoy talking to me. 

By the end of the day, James had told me why he moved to Greece. His Dad had passed away a few years ago and his Mom wanted to get out of the place where he passed on, so he and his mother came to Athens. He was extremely close with his Mom which made me realise how distanced I was from mine. My family was not very close, we all went our separate ways in the morning and the only time we were together was during dinner, which never lasted very long. 

Days turned to weeks as James and I became closer and began hanging out more and more. One thing I noticed was that he could be very feminine at times which I did not understand but, I would just think past it. All of the sudden, my phone began to buzz on my bedside table while I was doing my algebra homework. James was calling me and his voice sounded shaky and nervous which made me instantly scared.

"Please come over," He said "I need to talk to you," 

I didn't know what to think or do, so I ran to my car and drove to his house. I didn't bother knocking and walked straight into his room. He sat on his bed staring blankly at ahead with a black and eye and bruised arms.

"What happened?" I yelled, knowing exactly who would've done this. The people at school always target the new kids, no matter what. When I moved from Thessaloniki, they chased me home.

"You can't freak out, just promise me that," James said to me. I nodded my head and sat down next to him. He looked nervous and scared, like a dog trapped in a storm.

"I'm gay," He said stuttering. I sat up off the bed and my face fell blank, I wasn't sure what to think. I had always been taught that it's wrong by my family. I walked out of his house with him running behind me and yelling for me to come back. I got in my car and sped away, having no idea where I was going.

I had no idea where I was, but it was somewhere I could think. I sat under a willow tree by a river just watching the water ripple and the occasional duck or swan go by. Here in Greece, it's so rare to meet someone who's gay, it's only recently legal to marry the same gender. He was my first real friend and now he drops this bombshell on me and expects me to just understand. What was I supposed to do?

I got up to leave and go back home when I realised, I have no idea where I am. I looked around and everything looked like it was the same.

"How did I get here? How do I leave?" I thought. I reached in my pocket to get my phone to call my mom but nothing was there but pocket lint and a euro. I started driving around the barely lit rode, just trying to find a familiar spot, I've lived here all my life, how am I lost? The trees seemed to tower over me as I drove down  to what I believe is the main road.

The sun began to set as I pedaled further and further, not realising how far I must've came. Suddenly, a figure ran out in front of me. I slammed to a stop, trying not to hit the figure in front of me

"Castor! Please talk to me," The person yelled. It suddenly hit me that it was James.

"Why should I?" I said to him. I could see his green eyes glistening in the setting sun as he stood there breathless.

"Because we're supposed to be best friends," James said, obviously holding back tears. My heart sank to my shoes, I was speechless. I had never had a real friend and I was about to lose the only one I had over something so little. I stepped out of my car and ran up and hugged him.

"I'm sorry James," I said to him "I didn't know what to do, everything was all new to me and I didn't want to hurt you," I could see him beginning to smile.

"It's okay," He told me. "I guess what you're taught isn't always what you should believe," I thought, seeing that I finally had someone who I knew I could trust. 

I looked up to his emerald eyes and slowly kissed him, while still holding him close.

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