The Night Before - Matt's POV

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Mal and I had been dating for a whole 6 months now and tomorrow tonight is our 6 month anniversary. The past six months have been filled with mostly good memories, the kind of ones that you never forget. In the whole time we have known each other there has only been one fight... it was bad, so bad that our friendship and Studio C nearly fell apart. I hate to think about it but I needed to so I get every detail of our long friendship.

I walked up to my mirror and looked myself dead straight in the eyes, "you can do this Matt, just focus and breathe" I know standing here in my own room by myself I would be fine... standing in front of Mallory with her deep blue eyes looking straight into mine, would be one of the most challenging things I would ever have to do. But I can't back out now, she is the love of my life and I know what to do... to show that I love her and can protect her.

I make dinner for Adam, Stacey and myself and we sit and watch Netflix. It's great living with two of your best friends, there is always someone laughing and it's like a constant party.

"You guys ready for tomorrow" I ask them trying to not make it sound unnatural... it didn't work.

I see Adam roll his eyes "Yes, Matt you have asked us 100 times now. We are ready!" He says it with annoyance in his voice and I instantly feel bad.

"I'm sorry guys... I'm just really nervous" I try and hold back tears, all of the bad thoughts are flooding into my head. Things like 'what is she says no'. I'm clicked out of my trance by Stacey punching me in the arm,

"Dude, you will be fine and if anything goes wrong you have 8 of your other best friends right beside you... well maybe not Whitney or Natalie because yeah" I give him a look and he stops talking. I get up from the couch and say goodnight, I need some rest if I am going to get through tomorrow in one piece.

I lay down and very quickly I am aware I am getting no sleep tonight. I feel tired, but the nerves and bad thoughts are keeping my brain from falling asleep. My mind felt like a ticking time bomb ready to blow up any second. I need to do something, so I walk to the kitchen and stand there , in the middle of the kitchen not knowing what I was doing there. Adam and Stacey came in but I didn't notice them, I was in some trance and everything on the outside world went away. Then I heard someone yell, this is when I came back to reality and noticed there was a knife in my left hand and blood dripping from my right.

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