You Silly Girl

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You silly girl! Don't compare yourself to anyone and to what they say. If they find something easy while you find it hard, just ignore them. They're not you.
If someone doesn't believe you, tell them the truth and ignore them. It's their problem that they don't trust you. You just keep shining. You don't need a person to like you. You're not going to die without "the love of you life". He/her is not the reason why you are absolutely flawless. It's all you. The person you like doesn't define you.
You also do not need to rely on anyone whether it is a friend or family member; but YOURSELF! You have this amazing opportunity to live and learn by yourself!
REMEMBER: You are capable of anything you set your mind to. Have confidence in yourself. Think about that one person who is constantly telling you, you can achieve anything. I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!
Respect yourself. You are beautiful inside and out. Keep dancing and singing to your favourite music! Keep creating things. Have a passion for whatever you love. Continue caring and thinking of others. But the one person you need to love is yourself!
I believe in you ❤
~From Yourself

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